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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. right, who would care about a lousy little 40% devaluation in their currency?
  2. Fauci claimed we would have herd immunity when cases disappeared. That was in July 2021. He was right then and still is.
  3. With host Jong-Fast stating the invasion seems like a "humongous miscalculation" on the part of Putin, Scherba replied, "The goals he is trying to reach here are unreachable. The people in this country hate him and during this war he will realize the people of this country will hate him even more." https://www.rawstory.com/putin-ukraine-2656959595/
  4. I agree but I will humbly point out that electric cars preceded ICE. https://wisdombiscuits.com/which-came-first-the-electric-car-or-the-gasoline-car/
  5. I don't mind reasoned arguments supported by facts through credible links. That's not what we are seeing here.
  6. I'm getting sick of these Russian backed IRA astroturfers. They are only here to spread propaganda. Their modus operandi is to appear to be fence sitters and act like the voice of reason while casting doubt on credible media sources as well as pushing outright lies or, at least egregious distortions of the truth, typically lying by omission. https://www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/16895
  7. They didn't except in response to shelling from Russian backed separatists.
  8. 40% more infectious than BA.1. Close to measles in terms of contagious. Measles is the most infectious virus known to man. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-11/victoria-covid-cases-deaths-hospitalisations/100901332
  9. The catastrophic hypocrisy is failure to blame the aggressor. Substituting whataboutism is cowardly.
  10. Newsmax interview goes off the rails when Ukrainian MP unloads profanity on Putin https://www.rawstory.com/alexey-goncharenko-vladimir-putin/
  11. After two wars and the destruction of Grozny, Chechnya, in 1999–2000, Russia spends as much as US$3.8 billion (£2.9 billion) a year sustaining its regime in the country. Any decrease in monetary transfers would put Russia at risk of further insurgency, and Crimea costs Russia a comparable amount. https://www.rawstory.com/russias-economy-will-struggle-to-pay-the-price-of-invading-ukraine/
  12. Thousands of Russians scramble to leave Thailand as sanctions hit https://www.rawstory.com/thousands-of-russians-scramble-to-leave-thailand-as-sanctions-hit/
  13. When are you going to stop blaming Ukraine for this continuing war and resultant war crimes?
  14. It is Putin's "war of choice" https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/03/10/russia-vs-ukraine-how-does-this-end/
  15. Russia is heading for an outright defeat in Ukraine. https://www.americanpurpose.com/articles/preparing-for-defeat/
  16. Does that sentiment apply equally to Russia asking China for arms and equipment?
  17. https://www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda
  18. I'd disagree. It's just Malay food. I've been to Brunei several times.
  19. Which country did NATO invade by force of arms, killing innocent women and children in the process?
  20. The Russian "inclination" was a full blown invasion long before Zelenskiy arrived on the scene.
  21. Foreign military instructors worked at the Yavoriv military facility near the Polish border that was hit by a Russian air strike https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-defence-minister-says-foreign-military-instructors-worked-attacked-2022-03-13/
  22. "In recent days, we have heard absurd claims about chemical and biological weapons laboratories," Stoltenberg was quoted by Welt am Sonntag as saying, adding that the Kremlin was inventing false pretexts to justify what could not be justified. "Now that these false claims have been made, we must remain vigilant because it is possible that Russia itself could plan chemical weapons operations under this fabrication of lies. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/nato-chief-says-russia-may-use-chemical-weapons-german-paper-2022-03-13/
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