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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. They already investigated. If more allegations surface they will investigate those too. Anyone would think the UN was a lawless organisation with no controls in place. Your team also tried to pass the blame on them for funding Hamas instead of blaming the real culprits, Qatar and Netanyahu,
  2. It's one thing to encourage people to take vaccines and another for them to actually do it. Republican opposition to vaccines, fueled by Trump, largely prevented an early resolution to the virus.
  3. Yes, Israel gave them the money in order to prevent the formation of unified political representation. It backfired massively.
  4. You support defunding an international organisation. That demonstrates a lack of faith in their ability to investigate. They have already fired the culprits. It's humanitarian organisation, why defund it unless humanitarian causes mean nothing to you?
  5. You can't proive that Biden did anythign at all to worsen covid deaths. I can prove Trump did a lot to worsen covid deaths. Where's the bias?
  6. Why would you imagine there won't be. Do you have any evidence to conclude their won't be?
  7. UNRWA acted against those involved. What more do you want. It's impossible for an international non political organisation not to include biases on both sides.
  8. No. Biden cannot order anyone be prosecuted by executive order.
  9. Your war mongers is everyone else's defenders of democracy and democratic allies. Only one country started this war.
  10. If that actually happened more the illegal immigration problem would cease overnight.
  11. I blame McDonalds. Seriously. It's causing dietary deficiencies leading to mental issues. And low education. I'm serious. Searching for an explanation for mass delusionment and belief in demonstrably stupid conspiracy theories.
  12. Nor was your insinuation that Biden induced more deaths than Trump. When challenged you wilted.
  13. Oh noes. The GOP doesn't want to shut down the talking point border.
  14. Answer my question instead of deflecting. I am heavily biased against Trump but that does not diminish my point.
  15. Point to something Biden did which increased the covid death rate. Everyone can point to actions Trump did which increased the covid death rate.
  16. The repliublicans discouraged taking the vaccines. That's a matter of history. They still do.
  17. Correct. And what do you believe the court will do if it finds the report unsatisfactory? Nothing?
  18. The court is cognisant of the measures Israel has already taken. They clearly don't consider them to be enough and required Israel to do more. More means more. And the court directed Israel to report on the measures it has taken during the month to prevent civilian casualties and to permit food and humanitarian aid. The implication is clearly that if the court doesn't consider those measures to be sufficient it will order a ceasefire. It can only ignore South Africa's request for a ceasefire as long as it thinks other methods are working.
  19. I disagree. I think that kidnapping children and permanently separating them from their parents had a deterrent effect as well.
  20. "Now Trump will have to pay Rudy's creditors since his unpaid legal fees to Rudy are one of Rudy's assets in his bankruptcy," he wrote Friday. Political strategist Simon Rosenberg also chimed in, saying, "My God there's a whole new potential legal problem for Trump and Republicans - he stiffed Rudy." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-rudy-bankruptcy-legal-fees/
  21. If there's not a dramatic reduction in civilian deaths, destruction of civilian infrastructure and facilitation of humanitarian aid there will be an order for a ceasefire in a month.
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