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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That will also mean no bombing of civilian infrastructure and permitting food, water, medicine and essential supplies into Gaza. The court sensibly allowed Israel to continue fighting Hamas but takes out the genocidal attacks on civilians as retribution.
  2. You called me antisemitic for criticizing the Israeli government. You insisted that I was being antisemitic in doing so or implied that my real motivation was antisemitism.
  3. A good start would be to cut the river to the sea rhetoric by Israeli government ministers and start mentioning the word Palestine.
  4. Those were your words. You are again unable to back up your words with proof or evidence of any kind. You're on a mission to slur everyone who criticizes the Israel government and military.
  5. Provisional measures by the world court are legally binding, but it is not clear if Israel would comply with any order. Top Hamas official Osama Hamdan, meanwhile, said his group would abide by a cease-fire if ordered and would be ready to release the hostages it is holding if Israel releases Palestinian prisoners. “I think that they will shy away from actually calling for a full cease-fire, because I think they will find that beyond their abilities right now,” she said in a telephone interview. https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-genocide-court-south-africa-27cf84e16082cde798395a95e9143c06
  6. I hope Pelosi remembered to sell her TSLA shares before they tanked.
  7. So I can safely assume you'll never make this racist accusation again without proof? It's perfectly rational that Hamas and the IDF train kids to be in the army. It happens in every country. To conflate that with teaching terrorism or killing themselves for political objectives without substantiation is unacceptable.
  8. Your claim is Hamas teaching children to be suicide bombers. The sentence above is a diversion and does not address my request for a link to support your accusation. You never provided one when you made this accusation previously despite being challenged to do so.
  9. Link to PROOF or stop lying. You keep serving up this cattle dung despite not being able to show a scintilla of evidence.
  10. Show where where the "river to the sea progressive left" has ever uttered those words in their own right or ever uttered any semblance of opposition to the legitimacy of Israel as a sovereign state. Simply lies.
  11. I support the need for a link but I see nothing different here from the supposed anti Israeli terrorist classes for kids by Hamas. Or for that matter, my own uniformed military training from 13 years of age.
  12. Yet he rides a bike almost daily. Just imagine his opponent on a bicycle?
  13. And for those who believe the UN funded the tunnels as a diversion from Netanyahu's complicity, the amount of funds funneled by Qatar to Hamas with the complicity of Netanyahu amounted to $1.8 billion and was the largest source of Hamas funds by far. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatari_support_for_Hamas
  14. Israel is well established and it's right to exist is not contested outside of the Netanyahu backed Hamas extremists. It is internationally recognized as a sovereign state. Zionism simply wants to expand that state to included all the "promised lands". Recent statements by Israeli government ministers and Netanyahu leave no doubt that means the river to the sea. They have explicitly used those words. Zionism is a nationalist movement. The question has thus been focused on by supporters of Zionism and anti-Zionists alike,[58] as in the absence of this biblical primacy, "the Zionist project falls prey to the pejorative categorization as ‘settler colonialism’ pursued under false assumptions, playing into the hands of Israel's critics and fueling the indignation of the displaced and stateless Palestinian people,"[57] whilst right-wing Israelis look for "a way of proving the occupation is legitimate, of authenticating the ethnos as a natural fact, and of defending Zionism as a return". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism
  15. Nor do I. The US House passed a resolution last month equating antizionism with antisemitism. Zionism since the establishment of Israel has meant a belief that The Holy Lands of Israel extend from the river to the sea. That's quite distinct from antisemitism which is criticism of Jews and the Jewish religion.
  16. What a joke. Antizionism is not antisemitism. The zionists resort to name calling to deflect an inability to debate the causes of antizionism. Until World War II, anti-Zionism was widespread among Jews for varying reasons. Orthodox Jews opposed Zionism on religious grounds, as preempting the Messiah,[b] while secular Jews identified more with ideals of the Enlightenment and saw Zionism as a reactionary ideology. The relationship between Zionism, anti-Zionism and antisemitism is debated, with some academics and organizations that study antisemitism taking the view that anti-Zionism is inherently antisemitic or new antisemitism, while others reject any such linkage as unfounded and a method to stifle criticism of Israel and its policies, including its occupation of the West Bank and blockade of the Gaza Strip. Inaccurate charges of anti-Semitism are not merely calumny, but threaten to debase the term itself and weaken its connection to a very real, and very dangerous, form of prejudice https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Zionism
  17. Unlikely. It's very likely to do with the rapidly rising US dollar index DXY.
  18. One clue is that the economy always does better under democrat presidents. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/us-economy-performs-better-under-democratic-presidents-why Who said this? "You know, it's interesting, I've been now around long -- you know, I think of myself as a young guy, but I'm not so young anymore. And I've been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans." https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-2004-donald-trump-200800846.html
  19. Russia and Ukraine were fighting every day of Trump's presidency. Trump did nothing to stop Russia.
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