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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You'd find a great deal of support in most western nations for Palestinian freedom from Israel.
  2. Not surprisingly, I'm with them. The two descriptions are not mutually exclusive. Just as this war is a conflict.
  3. Trump surrendered to the Taliban. Just as he surrendered to Putin in Syria and betrayed the Kurds. Never shall Americans call the French surrender monkeys again.
  4. "is being reported that 70%" would be a claim to a fact to any casual reader of your comment. In any case, that's a lot of non dem registered voters turning up to vote against Trump. Trump needs those same voters. They will vote for Biden. Trump's toast.
  5. Likud is a charter to remove all Palestinians from the river to the sea. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party
  6. The only rational conclusion from that is that he doesn't want this (the Netanyahu / Likud government) to continue. You are trolling, you can't seriously have missed that.
  7. Seriously? Did he say he didn't want the Israeli government to exist or did you have mushrooms on toast for breakfast this morning?
  8. I asked you before. Who reported. You are absolutely required by the rules to provide a link to any claim of fact in this forum.
  9. It's less about her policies and more about the fact that she's a non white female for the GOP.
  10. The hostages will be dead if that's true. Meantime, the UN, the US and the EU all believe that a 2 state solution is the only way forward. If you think their opinions don't count, think about how Israel got there in 1948.
  11. The Ukraine issue and abortion are vote killers for non MAGA republicans. The 2020 vote should have been a lesson in extremism but they doubled down in 2022 and lost heavily. They still believe that God will do the right thing this time round.
  12. What press? You mean the gutter social media lying sites? Why didn't you link to the wonderfully truthful press you mentioned? That was a rhetorical question, we already know. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/01/23/democrats-cant-vote-new-hampshire-primary/72323334007/
  13. Even if he is convicted before the elections, it is very unlikely he would be sentenced before the elections. The sentencing hearings are a whole new battle.
  14. Not quite. It's the economy. The US has record low unemployment while central America has big issues.
  15. Indeed. 45% voting against Trump is very bad news for him. I would have expected to see him at 80% or better. This doesn't look good for Trump. It doesn't need many of those 45% to stay home and he's toast. It is NH though, the red state split will be more interesting. Haley won't be quitting real soon with those numbers though.
  16. Most fentanyl comes in through ports of entry by smugglers. The suggestion that a wall would stop it is a feeble joke.
  17. Over the years I have suggested several times that the way to stop illegal immigration overnight without it costing a dime is to jail employers. Not one of the wingnuts has ever engaged with this suggestion in any way let alone explained why it wouldn't work.
  18. The destruction of a civilian house is a war crime. Was this house "by itself"? “Carrying out hostilities with the knowledge that they will systematically destroy and damage civilian housing and infrastructure, rendering an entire city – such as Gaza city - uninhabitable for civilians is a war crime,” said Balakrishnan Rajagopal, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing. The expert said systematic or widespread bombardment of housing, civilian objects and infrastructure are strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law, criminal law and human rights law. “Such acts amount to war crimes and when directed against a civilian population, they also amount to crimes against humanity,” Rajagopal said. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-destroying-civilian-housing-and-infrastructure-international-crime
  19. Reuters is just reporting that Israel has lost 21 soldiers today. They were apparently mining a house for demolition ( a war crime) when militants fired at a nearby tank, causing the mines to explode. There's a buddhist word to describe that.
  20. gaa gaa goo goo bam bam. And they accuse Biden of being soft in the head. It's that accusation / confession thing again.
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