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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How does a "report" produced by a defendant at a press conference exonerate him? He'll need to present it again in a court if that's going to happen. It'll be another dirt throwing exercise. Think baby trump in a mud pit.
  2. link please lol. I don't believe you. Nobody is that soft in the head. Not even Trump.
  3. Willis is accusing her boyfriend's ex wife of being in cahoots with the Trump team to interfere with a court proceeding. When a state DA says that you can be assured that charges are imminent. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is accusing the estranged wife of a special prosecutor she hired of trying to obstruct her criminal election-interference case against former President Donald Trump and others by seeking to question her in the couple’s divorce proceedings. The filing says that the subpoena is being sought “in an attempt to harass and damage” Willis’ professional reputation and accuses Joycelyn Wade of having “conspired with interested parties in the criminal Election Interference Case to use the civil discovery process to annoy, embarrass, and oppress” the district attorney. The attempt to question Willis is “obstructing and interfering” with an ongoing criminal case, lawyer Cinque Axam wrote in the court filing Thursday seeking to quash the subpoena. https://apnews.com/article/willis-wade-relationship-allegations-trump-election-indictment-aef1b2b7fca5bb03d4886cee4c5fee3b
  4. Debates are like sunlight. Kryponite for Trump who does not want to be asked hard questions about the insurrection or where missing documents might be or answer allegations about who he might have showed them to. It'd be like a precursor to several trials coming Trump's way.
  5. The simple fact that 35% of Amercans say that Israel is mainly to blame is really a problem for Biden. It isn't that Biden supports Israel but that he refuses to apply pressure to stop the war crimes.
  6. I never implied that they were a majority. There's enough of them to turn the general election into a loser for Biden. Even if they just stay home which is highly likely. I'm predicting the lowest turnout presidential election as a % of voters in US history. The loss of the youth vote would be particularly devastating for the dems.
  7. The Abraham Accords were essentially intended to setup a military bloc including the US, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel to counter the Houtis, Hezbollah and Iran whose military power is becoming quite formidable. The dancing with the sword stunt (and the accords themselves) was extremely provocative for conflict in the region and I believe was a major contributor to the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack. Diplomacy was always a better option. Note that the Iranians have not gotten directly involved with Israel as yet. Netanyahu's government is doing it's utmost to provoke such a war. Hezbollah has also been quite restrained compared to what they are capable of.
  8. Then she lied. Only possible conclusion. Supporting a public liar is off the table for me.
  9. I think it couyld happen quite soon. Biden is likely not to run over his stance because enough younger Americans are furious with him for not applying pressure on Israel.
  10. UN money is actually audited. The tunnel money mostly came from Qatar with the delivery being escorted by Israeli secret service agents and the full knowledge and complicity of Natanyahu. Unless you can substantiate your claim with links tho prove that UN funds were diverted into the tunnels then you are peddling propaganda disinformation. I have provided links previously to show Netanyau's complicity and the source of those funds so don't bother asking
  11. Trump was never going to pick Haley. He's more likely to pick Stafanik although I don't think he'll pick her either. I don't believe he will pick any woman. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4419112-trump-haley-probably-wont-be-2024-vp/
  12. That you utterly fail to debate the substance of any criticism of Israel no matter what and just attack the source of the claim. Every time.
  13. 100%. And if they threatened to cut off military aid, Netanyahu would be gone in a heartbeat and some kind of treaty signed the next day.
  14. He's just engaged in attackign messengers as usual. He never debates what they said.
  15. what would she know. She didn't even know that the civil war was about slavery. Or she just lied. Why should we not outright dismiss her opinion here?
  16. A good number of Israelis including families of hostages don't agree with you. It's no coincidence that this happened a year or so after the most extreme far right religious nutcase government ever was elected in Israel.
  17. It wouldn't end there. The calls to bring Netanyahu to the ICC will never fade until he faces that court. Galant as well. And various members of his cabinet and military.
  18. Define "a lot". Did he lie more than, oh let's just pick a number, say 30,000 times?
  19. Nah, he knows they are going to ask him questions about his state of mind when organizing an insurrection. He knows that whatever he says can and will be used against him by Smith. He shouldn't be such a snowflake about a moderator being biased. Maybe he just can't answer the hard questions. You know, harder then the IQ test he aced.
  20. In Iowa, a very red state, only 2,222 more voters voted for Trump than for other candidates. One wonders who the voters who voted for someone other than Trump would vote for in the general.
  21. Israel’s far-right prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced on Thursday that he told the White House he will not accept a Palestinian state after the war, nor cede security control of any territory west of the Jordan River. The US, Israel’s staunchest and most important ally, has repeatedly attempted to discuss “day-after” scenarios with Israel and potential paths toward a two-state solution that include both a future Palestinian state and considerations for Israel’s security, only to be rebuffed. The first challenge is moving Israel past Netanyahu’s toxic reign. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/19/biden-israel-netanyahu-war
  22. "And this is this is not a new comment by Prime Minister Netanyahu. We obviously see it differently. We believe that the Palestinians have every right to live in an independent state with peace and security," said Kirby. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/white-house-affirms-bidens-commitment-to-2-state-solution-amid-netanyahus-opposition/3113105
  23. One question. How does a person get prosecuted for anything other than a criminal act?
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