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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. and here's why. The vile, inhuman Natanyahu is showing his true genocidal intentions, saying the quiet part out loud. The truth is that Israel has never wanted a Palestinian state. Here is the war criminal Netanyahu using the "River to the sea" language. It's disgusting.
  2. About a third of the soi dogs in my area in Pattaya (central urban) have collars. All are fed regularly. One stray cat nearby my place was captured and spayed. One old soi dog that hung around the local 7-11 had it's own food bowl and a water bowl out the front of the 7-11. I think the wing riders took care of it but it's now been removed. If you want to see starving and mangy stray dogs, try the Philippines.
  3. Only two walls have ever been built to stop migration as opposed to stopping invaders of the armed kind. They are in Israel and Germany. Both relied on shooting people who attempted to cross the wall. Meanwhile, 70% of US illegal immigrants arrive on planes.
  4. copied and pasted, not typed. Try providing some links and debating the content of my posts for a change
  5. “The fact that Donald Trump has 50 percent of Republicans not voting for him, and as Steve Kornacki said, one-third hating him in the state of Iowa, in the state of Iowa … I gotta say for people who actually want to win general elections, that’s not good news,” Scarborough said. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4412449-scarborough-iowa-victory-bad-news-for-trump/
  6. 2 clues. The first is that blue collar workers overwhelmingly support Trump. The second is that there is a high proportion of ex US mil here who also support Trump. I would include them as blue collar workers because of the recruitment patterns in the US military. The proposition is a slam dunk.
  7. Killing 3 civilians for every Hamas fighter is not proportionate. Displacing 2 million residents and destroying 85% of civilian infrastructure is not proportionate.
  8. Photos show scale of the destruction of Israel air attacks on Gaza https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/10/12/photos-show-scale-of-the-destruction-of-israeli-air-attacks-on-gaza
  9. With the wilful complicity of Israel in providing that money anything is possible.
  10. When military objectives are attacked, civilians and civilian objects must be spared incidental or collateral damage to the maximum extent possible. Incidental damage must not be excessive in relation to the direct and concrete military advantage you anticipate from your operation. Such use of excessive force quite clearly violates the law of armed conflict and is a war crime
  11. As a consequence of the principle of distinction, indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. These are: • attacks which are not directed at a specific military objective; • attacks that employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; • attacks that employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by the law of armed conflict. Examples of indiscriminate attacks are firing artillery or launching a missile in the general direction of the target (e.g. the use of the V2 missiles during the Second World War) or area bombardment in populated areas rather than the selection of individual, clearly separated military objectives located there. https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/law3_final.pdf
  12. Only an apologist for war crimes would describe the bombing of Gaza as "proportionate". To be legal, aerial operations must comply with the principles of humanitarian law: military necessity, distinction, and proportionality:[1] An attack or action must be intended to help in the military defeat of the enemy; it must be an attack on a military objective, and the harm caused to protected civilians or civilian property must be proportional and not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_bombardment_and_international_law
  13. Where the bomb was dropped knowing civilians would be killed. Yes, absolutely.
  14. It's a war crime. The presence of civilians makes it a war crime regardless of whether the civilians remained there voluntarily or were held as human shields.
  15. People vaccinated before their first case of COVID-19 are diagnosed with Long COVID almost four times less than unvaccinated people, suggests a large new study published Nov. 22 in the BMJ. https://time.com/6338434/vaccination-long-covid-risk/
  16. Complete vaccination before contracting SARS-CoV-2 significantly reduced long COVID incidence across different COVID-19 waves, including the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC wave. The study findings indicate a significantly lower long COVID risk among fully vaccinated individuals as compared to unvaccinated individuals. Additional COVID-19 vaccinations before an individual contracted SARS-CoV-2 increased VE. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20231019/Assessing-COVID-19-vaccine-effectiveness-against-long-COVID.aspx
  17. Young adults warned of long Covid risk if they do not get vaccinated https://sbuhb.nhs.wales/news/vaccination-news/young-adults-warned-of-long-covid-risk-if-they-do-not-get-vaccinated/
  18. "The KKK Act was Congress's attempt to stamp out the Klan's domestic terrorism. It criminalized using 'force, bribery, threats, intimidation, or other unlawful means' to interfere with any citizen’s right and ability to vote." According to Blumenthal, "Trump has been charged on the same grounds that Klansmen were prosecuted, not only during Reconstruction but also during the civil rights era of the 1960s, and he has been removed from the ballot on the same basis as Confederate traitors were removed from elective office. https://www.rawstory.com/why-jack-smith-charged-trump-on-same-grounds-that-klansmen-were-prosecuted-columnist/
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