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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. We'll see how prepared Thailand is for the next wave. Hopefully it's not too severe. Luckily many people have been vaccinated and/or have had it. Unluckily Anutin is still the minister of Health.
  2. Last time there was "coincidentally" a tire repair guy just 10 feet away.
  3. Big deal. I wish they'd concentrate on the police who are enabling the YaBa trade and other hard drugs That would actually help.
  4. I've had my motorcycle tires slashed in Patong before. Horrible thing to do.
  5. I got one of the X series. We've had it a few months and the kids prefer their phones. I think its been used four or five times. If you're a big gamer Series X. Flight Simulator is really cool!
  6. Just legalize porn and gambling. Two of the most popular things in Thailand. Have the police actually chase crime that victimizers people.
  7. Also Thailand has recently relaxed abortion laws.
  8. It's difficult to get out of contracts especially with China. By the time they get them they'll be outdated and to costly to run and maintain.
  9. "BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants are easily transmissible, have the ability to avoid immunity, attack the lungs of patients and have a tendency to cause more serious symptoms than the original Omicron variant." https://www.thaipbsworld.com/over-80-covid-19-ba-4-and-ba-5-sub-variant-cases-found-in-thailand-to-date/ However there is conflicting information saying it's not more severe: "The increasing prevalence of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 is likely to be a factor in the recent increase in cases seen in the UK and elsewhere, though there is currently no evidence that Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 cause more severe illness than previous variants." https://www.gov.uk/government/news/covid-19-variants-identified-in-the-uk-latest-updates Either way it's good to keep updated and boosted with ones vaccines if possible. Be safe.
  10. I wonder why its such a problem here? I see hanging wires everywhere. Sometimes wires not hanging, just lying along roads instead of up in the air. It's such a lazy way when the posts are right there. Typical Thai workmanship. Always in such a rush its usually substandard or incomplete.
  11. Worrisome that there finding that this variant is more similar to the Delta variant, thus more dangerous to the lungs. Borders, opened or closed, there's no escaping the virus and mutations. I think Thailand's just been lucky or isn't reporting cases properly.
  12. Just like COVID-19, death on Thailand's roads is endemic.
  13. Air con, 22 C until the morning. Around 5:00 am put on Dry mode to save electricity. Comfortable enough. Really high heat and humidity the last month. Dreading the electric bill!
  14. Lots of dagger stares for falangs not wearing a mask. Hopefully be a good middle ground.
  15. Lots of infections in upper Sakon Nakhon. Mostly unreported. Occasionally close the particular class for two days but keep the school open. I'm assuming the next wave will be around a month or two. People are tired of hiding. Theres really no way of avoiding getting it. Just get vaccinated and try to keep up with boosters as best as one can. Our entire family caught it 2 months ago despite vaccines and boosters. Perhaps helped keep it mild. Only my elderly wife's mother struggled for a few weeks. The rest of us we're knocked out for a week.
  16. ......And naive to open a steakhouse in the middle of a pandemic. Few tourists. Most Thais aren't interested in spending big money on a slab of beef.
  17. Smart idea. There very conservative here though. Shorts and polo shirts might be easier to pass. Uncomfortable and hot clothes definitely doesn't help the police work ethic.
  18. ...... And would they wear expensive jewelry in a seedy red light district in India? Leave it in the safe and wear some fake gold if you really need to look like a cheesy pretend millionaire.
  19. Sounds like your having a terrible holiday. Tipping for good service is standard practice. Leave the tip, and feel good for helping these workers support themselves and thier families. Don't expect accolades for doing it.
  20. Anybody with police powers I believe inevitably leads to corruption. The low wages and inbred cronyism make it worse in most of South East Asian countries.
  21. Those ancient busses in the pictures and ones I see plying the roads in Issan must get horrible gas mileage. Government incentives for companies to invest in new gas effective transportation would be helpful. This government doesn't think in those terms though despite the long-term good it would do for the economy and the environment.
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