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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. If its successful it'll put many people out of a job. It's time to legalize gambling and all the economic benefits in regards to jobs it provides. Definitely be nice to have a nice sports book!
  2. Built in the 50's by the US. It's still mainly two lanes and in rough shape most of the way despite the constant shoddy repair jobs. A few slow trucks or an accident can cause traffic jams anytime of the day. With infrastructure like this there is inevitably going to be higher mortality rates. We drove from Khon Kaen to Udon Thani on Monday. Traffic was light for Songkran. Pandemic and bad economy definitely a big part. Not much happening in our village. Most people are infected with the virus including us. Very mild! We even went swimming today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mittraphap_Road
  3. "People Invited to Foster Wild Animals" Most Thais can barely take care of there own animals. Hopefully none of the fostered animals are on the endangered list.
  4. Funny. Everyone is as sick of this guy as they are of the pandemic. There's no booster shots available in our Sakon Nakhon village for weeks. Our entire family caught COVID on our family vacation in Hua Hin. High fevers for two days for everyone but me. Just felt like a mild cold, cough sticks around. I'm feeling it was inevitable really. I'm glad it was mild. 3 of us fully vaccinated. 2 year old just fever for 3 days. Day 5 lively as ever! 7 year old 1 Pfeizer for children, bad fever for two days. Still weak and complaining about cleaning up after herself (same as always).
  5. Maybe order a fleet of Chinese lawnmowers to mow all the governments golf courses. It'll give the new conscripts a break from using scissors.
  6. Your better of using paint as you'll find wallpaper in humid climate can mold easily.
  7. I think some are waiting until just a few people control it like the alcohol monopoly.
  8. All this because with YaBa all that matters is getting the next fix.
  9. In most android boxes you'll see an option for storage. If box recognizes the USB stick it'll give you that option to change it from internal to USB storage. You'll need to format the USB stick. Check out Troypoint.com website. Great for anyone who is interested in streaming. Great tutorials dspite to the advertising its very useful!
  10. Haven't polls showed him near the bottom? Looking forward to seeing that idiot get a thrashing. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2022/03/28/legal-pot-cannabis-not-a-vote-getter-for-bhumjaithai/
  11. Definitely going to be busier than the past two years. So much construction going on the roads its going to be a long hual.
  12. Go to settings. Select storage. Select the appropriate USB stick that you want downloads to go.
  13. I just drove from Hua Hin to Khon Kaen. I saw a few fender benders thats it. Can't be scared 24 hours a day 7 days a week you'll never accomplish anything.
  14. If you can drive after 11:00 PM. Less crowded and the kids can sleep during the drive.
  15. Hua Hin to Khon Kaen, 12 hours. Very few accidents along the way. Definitely could have been worse.
  16. Keep your dogs behind a fence. 10 dogs roaming around the neighborhood. What an idiot.
  17. It must be wonderful having dogs bark day and night next door. That would drive me nuts. I certainly wouldn't be happy about it.
  18. More never hurts. Your right though it's flowing girls along beach road. Many stunners!
  19. Spoken like a true evangelist. A load of rubbish.
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