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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Don't feel sorry for the dastardly Russian tourists. Heartfelt for the Ukranian tourists. Hopefully they get a special VISA while that Stalin impersonator Putin is ruining lives in Europe. Horrible!
  2. You would know if a "Dodgy visa agent" was used exiting the country. They check youre passport and stamps before departure. Best to use reputable agents and not some guy you met down a dark alley.
  3. Useless slump of ghoulash that Don. Must say he's an excellent tourist minister though.
  4. Crazy! So having an elected government overthrown and ruled by junta is better. Ridiculous!
  5. I agree. Fools in Generals outfits. Never been in battle. Watching Singapore's condemnation of Russia on YouTube. Good on them. Russian banks (some) being disconnected from the Swift banking system is big blow. Will see what lies ahead this week. So much to digest during a damned pandemic.
  6. I'm an hours drive in Sakon Nakhon, just on the border near Seka. That bridge will connect to a new Highway that connects to the beautiful beaches of Vietnam. It's like 340 kilometers drive from Paxon. Beung Khan has a great Makro also! I've got to make a drive over there and check things out.
  7. It's going to be great once the new friendship bridge gets built. It's very nice province.
  8. Another sign that this out of touch government is actually "out of touch".
  9. Two large schools closed for a week close to our village.
  10. It's just selling off property and assets. Mix that with a little debt forgiveness. Unsustainable.
  11. If they don't they'll have serious sanctions brought against them being an MNNA member. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_non-NATO_ally Be nice to see Thailand doing the right thing even if they weren't members.
  12. Why bother even calling it a poll. Sounds like political infighting with "fake" polls.
  13. I'm assuming Thailand will have to go along with any sanctions imposed, as they should.
  14. The pandemic. Now a war in Europe. It's difficult to watch or read the news these days.
  15. We're Saudis banned before this? I'm sure they'll enjoy their stay, nice place to visit. With oil prices through the roof many of them will have money to burn.
  16. I agree. In the twenty years I've been here it's just been that way unfortunately.
  17. They can. But they won't get as much as before the invasion.
  18. In Koh Samui during the pandemic. Probably the reason he began selling drugs in earnest.
  19. I'm in Thailand. Obviously your not. You think the average Thai is going to benefit from legalizing pot. There not.
  20. Certainly true. BEIJING, Feb 22 (Reuters) - "Antibodies triggered by a third dose of Sinopharm's COVID-19 shot given to those who completed its primary two-dose regimen dropped sharply after six months, and a fourth shot did not significantly boost them against Omicron, a Chinese study showed." https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/antibody-triggered-by-sinopharm-covid-booster-wanes-after-six-months-study-2022-02-22/ "FactWire: Sinovac limits Hong Kong’s protection against infection from Omicron, analysis suggests...." https://hongkongfp.com/2022/02/26/factwire-sinovac-limits-hong-kongs-protection-against-infection-from-omicron-analysis-suggests/
  21. It would be great to see choice and lower prices for the masses. I'm not a drinker but monopolies are no good and drag down the economy as a whole.
  22. I've found doctors fees very inexpensive. 300-800 baht at private hospitals. Id think you'd want a doctor to look over the X-ray in any case.
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