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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. .... Bringing with them packed meals and boxes of Chang from their village shop. The Thai families crammed into two 500 baht rooms. Its a money spinner!
  2. To each his own. I'm more of YouTube guy anyways. Hopefully you get your WiFi going. Enjoy your weekend!
  3. These days you can just stream any movie or TV series. Downloading is going the way of DVD's and VHS.
  4. And the USA's FDA who banned them because of false positive results.
  5. Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital just sheduled Moderns vaccines for this weekend @ Robinsons. added more people to the que. SToked!
  6. Theres nothing left in Krabi or Phang Na. Nice beaches though.
  7. Sounds boring. I wonder how many people that would attract anyways. Except for the "prettys" car races or events are as exciting as watching paint dry.
  8. Where is the link? Read the forum rules before you post. I wouldn't trust anything China says or does.
  9. Hes in luck! Theres no more free Pfeizer, Astra Zeneca is in short supply,. Moderna? You cant get that unless you've paid and reserved months ago. The Chinese swill really is the only stuff available. I don't know if it's available to foreigners though. Might have to make a trip to another 3rd world country where they still use it.
  10. After almost 2 years of virtually no tourists 90,000 people sounds like a lot. Its not. COVID is coming back big now in Europe, especially Germany. I think its going to be lockdown again by January.
  11. "China Struggles With Worst Covid Outbreaks Since Wuhan Origin" https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/china-struggles-with-worst-covid-19-outbreaks-since-wuhan-origin-2602870 Imagine what China isn't admitting on top of this surge. Any more questions just use Google. It's fairly simple. That said, Germany is having a terrible surge also. "Germany reports daily high number of new coronavirus cases" https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/germany-reports-daily-high-number-of-new-coronavirus-cases/2021/11/10/92d2f6a0-4200-11ec-9404-50a28a88b9cd_story.html point being get vaccinated!
  12. The government screwed up. There running out of Astra Zeneca and Pfeizer is non existent for many in Issan. I assume they didn't get a kickback or other favors.
  13. This government seems so aloof with the citizens of Thailand's lives. One mistep after another. Keystone cops running the show.
  14. No, there not. The Chinese have admittedly said that these vaccines need improvement. You need to make your own choice. The Thais don't want the Chinese vaccines especially Sinovac. Theres plenty, help yourself.
  15. Can't blame you. Hopefully were all safe in the long run. Be safe.
  16. Thanks. Udon Thani. We missed the first LOT by 300 doses. My friend gave my wife his Vibhavadi dose. December 14th. We're going to make it a little Holiday as its 9 hours by car. Thats OK as we at least have an appointment. Great for your wife and yourself. A relief
  17. Totally agree. All this talk. My wife's waiting for her Moderna shot still. Cant really travel and constant worry about getting COVID for her.
  18. Hopefully not to bad next week. We're going on a family vacation there next week. My two years old boy is so curious. Definitely have to keep on eye for washed up Jellyfish on the beach.
  19. I just got a similar notification from Udon Thani Hospital (All in Thai). "Dear Moderna lot 1 vaccine bookers (to maintain your eligibility Please fill out the information of the vaccination recipient correctly and completely) Bangkok Hospital Udon Approximately 28,000 doses of Moderna lot 1 vaccination are scheduled to start. The vaccination schedule is from November 13, 2021 – March 31, 2022 for the first 3,550 doses of the vaccine. The injection will be according to what the hospital has informed in each round. And it may be necessary to skip vaccination appointments during vaccinations from Zuellig. The hospital will schedule a vaccination as soon as possible after the next round of vaccination." Google translate was used. I think they mean they have 3,550 doses for the initial launch. This would exclude people already vaccinated, left the country, or have died of COVID-19. My wife and mother-in-law are 3,870. A friend just transferrd his dose to my wife. Its scheduled for December 14th. We'll have to travel 9 hours to Bangkok. Perhaps thats in anticipation of getting more. We'll use hers as booosters ln 6 months if things work out.
  20. Ive been there a few times during COVID-19. A few months into It I must have been the only person on the beach. I couldn't believe how inexpensive the beachfront resorts were. Enjoy yourselves!
  21. The amount of debt is staggering. "Thai Airways International Pcl (THAI. BK) won court approval on Tuesday to restructure a debt load of $12.9 billion as the airline, which is already in bankruptcy protection, seeks to turn around its fortunes." https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/thai-airways-wins-court-approval-restructuring-plan-2021-06-15/ Total flip flop. Somebody has spoken. They need jet planes at their disposal on the taxpayers dole again.
  22. "Mixed Vaccines ok for entry to Thailand?" Thailand is the hub of mixed vaccines.
  23. Property is to valuable. Be put to better use as a 5 star hotel or soapy massage.
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