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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Festering. Good word. ....and then denying Polands 1.5 million donation of Moderna. *Hitshow is correct.
  2. Good luck to you also. April! Whats her cue number, must be very low! Hopefully get it this week.
  3. My wifes friend just paid last month and got her first Moderna shot yesterday in Khon Khaen. I've also booked for LOT 2 in addition to LOT 1. Maybe they'll come the same time. My wife is upset. Its hard to travel without these vaccines and we have young children going to school.
  4. How frustrating! A measley 1000 doses at our Private Hospital In Udon Thani. They won't even begin vaccinating until mid November. Being number 3,800 means a long a** wait. I wouldn't have known unless I called. Updates are almost non existent.
  5. All the government apps are written by someones children in the government. Horrible, childish apps with little or no security. I'm sure the child is paid handsomely also. This government, ugh.
  6. 11/11 sales everywhere online if you can wait. I usually have better luck with electric things on Ali Express. I bought what your looking for and placed them outside, in an electric box to protect from the weather. There useful and my security cameras need a USB port. I know they were cheap and there still working after 3 years. Heres an example. But there's loads of them. Good luck!
  7. I think there just waiting for the free Sinovac that they'll be giving out with WHO's covax program. "Gavi signs agreements with Sinopharm and Sinovac for immediate supply to COVAX" https://www.gavi.org/news/media-room/gavi-signs-agreements-sinopharm-and-sinovac-immediate-supply-covax I can't see Thailand passing up anything free even if it's broken.
  8. It's not work out. You can't walk around without a mask these days. Probably just have to move back home. I can imagine the grief you'll get. Trying to explain why you cant wear a mask every minute would be awful. Why don't you just go to some clinic and get "I can wear a mask" note for 200 baht. This will overide the other clinics " I can't wear a mask" note. Then your good to go.
  9. So what was the plan? Sounds like the same thing he says every month. But I just love That's new slogan, "Amazing Thailand, Amazing new Chapters" It's heartfelt and snappy!
  10. Well get on your horse and give us a report and some pictures!
  11. I'm check out some YouTube sites this evening and see if its actually as busy as they say. In some provinces the government is acting as if the pandemic never happened. Big change of Heart.
  12. Great! Not many people really want yesterday's vaccine. I think another reason why they purposely scuttled the Moderna donation from Poland and have screwed up private hospitals purchase.
  13. I don't believe it. Thais don't look that far in the future.
  14. I totally agree with you. In the meantime I've got the Pfeizer and like many others still waiting for Moderna for my Thai wife so we can travel in December. With all the news of opening up its as if they've stopped mass vaccinations. I wonder if they're running low or ran out of vaccines. What a mess!
  15. Air BNB. Lots of hidden charges. I did it and the place was ok. I miss daily cleaning, Nice breakfast buffets, resort atmosphere. I kinda felt I was housitting some rich cousins place. Mismatched towels, cooking your own meals, making your own beds, etc. I'm sticking with hotels and resorts.
  16. Problem is that its the only viable booster for expats at the moment. It's been used before with Astra Zeneca. "The booster will consist of an mRNA vaccine, either Pfizer or Moderna. Henry said combining AstraZeneca with an mRNA vaccine has been shown to be very effective and long-lasting." https://globalnews.ca/news/8341052/bc-covid-19-booster-astrazeneca-mrna-six-months/
  17. Here's the recommended timeline: "If you were treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine." https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-if-already-had-covid
  18. Looking at some of the jacked up prices for December. It was like high season before the pandemic. The smart hotels will hopefully Keep some reasonable prices. If things keep this slow I'm sure they'll be some last minute deals.
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