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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Thailand's not going to offer anything. It's a crapshoot for the airlines. I think there realizing that there isn't much of an appetite for travel to Phuket. Be interesting to know how many internal flights there are a day to Phuket, I'm sure less than 10.
  2. Well said! ".....And 85% of teachers will need to be vaccinated, leaving 15% unvaccinated." Makes no sense.
  3. I'd be a little worried until its approved in the USA by the FDA. I've got children also. There definitely more thourough than the Health Ministry and the Flunkies at the Thai FDA. Here's a report from the respected Mayo Clinic: "COVID-19 vaccines for kids: What you need to know" https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/covid-19-vaccines-for-kids/art-20513332
  4. There offering Moderns and sign ups are going on now. (Khon Kaen) Its about 1700 baht Although Moderna delivery has been delayed it may be your best bet on a tourist visa. It's Khon Kaen Bangkok Hospital and you have to pay. It's worth calling any "Bangkok" affiliated hospital. Alternatively you should call the one in Chiang Mai. Easy flight from Chiang Mai to KK and you can check out Issan a bit. Girls are beautiful and it's cheap. Avani a nice hotel but out of the way. Getting my second Pfeizer today here. I had to drive 5 hours from Sakon Nakhon. Good luck! Let us know how your search for a vaccine goes. Heres a link to a guy on a tourist visa who just got Sinopharm for free in Chiang Mai: https://youtu.be/_2d8LNWYuhk
  5. I bought 5 also. Nice to have handy. I also bought some saliva ones. Not as accurate but useful for young children. My 2 year old son comes to mind. He freaks out when we brush his teeth, I cant imagine swabbing his nasal cavity! Thanks for the info and pic.
  6. There vaccinating people 40 and above with pfeizer. If you're younger get a slip from a doctor/Clinic saying you have one of the medical problems to get vaccinated. Cost about 200-500 baht for the doctors note.
  7. If you're going to buy them might as well get good quality. I think the ones from Watsons are from Korea. I'm skeptical of the Chinese brands.
  8. Might be the bad press. Also a raging pandemic on an island with very little too do is a major drawback. Beautiful beaches though if you enjoy solitude. Sounds good to me.
  9. Whats up with that? Baloney in my book!
  10. That's sad Why? Pfeizer is available. . Sinovac is better than nothing.
  11. Sinovac is almost useless for Delta. Chinese don't even take it.
  12. Difficult My wife wont take Sinovac either. Moderna or Pfeizer. Booked for Moderna but its been delayed. Maybe have to purchase a throwaway international ticket.
  13. Your right its like everywhere. I guess hanging out in front of the donkey show in Tijuana isn't a great way to grade an entire country.
  14. Getting my second Pfeizer tomorrow. I'm trying to get my Thai wife and her elderly mother vachinated with Moderna. I guess next month.
  15. Decentralized finance: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_finance Way to complicated for Thailand. To many important people running the traditional banks and raking in the dough.
  16. Once its here next month the suckers will be the cheapskates. Once the 5th and 6th wave come you'll wish youd ponied up.
  17. November the earliest. That's if you registered the first day.
  18. My Thai wife isn't eligible for Pfeizer. Now its there mixing useless Sinovac with Astra Zeneca for Thais. Useless mixture for traveling. Hopefully the Moderna comes November.
  19. What a drag. We were hoping mid October. Such a screwed up way Thailand orders these vaccines. Get the damned GPO out and let the Private hospitals order there own like they do with there other vaccines and medicines. Everyone is so sick of this inept government.
  20. Seems that way. Thats if Australia recognizes Pfeizer being administered in Thailand. Better check.
  21. Its better to follow the rules and shower. We have a shower by our pool at home. Sweaty , dusty, dirty bodies actually reduce the chlorines effectiveness. Enough of you filthy falangs jumping in without showering will reduce the purity of the pool water. Showering before swimming helps keep swimming healthy for everyone in the pool. https://www.manassasparkcommunitycenter.com/why-youre-supposed-to-shower-before-and-after-swimming-by-sarah-barnett/
  22. Very odd? Reading the entire article the guy sounds like a serial rapist. Being a large falang with a red moto cross motorcycle he should be caught quickly. He sounds unhinged. Swearing at the massage girls. I guess they were to polite to ask him to leave or just scared. I'm heading to Khon Karen for my second pfeizer. I was hoping to get a massage while I'm staying there. They'll probably feel safer having two of them in the room at the same time.
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