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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. You can bequeath but neither you nor your banks can give anyone access to your accounts after your death until the administration/'probate' procedure had been completed. It would not be legal, no matter what your will stated, for her to use the account (nor for the banks to distribute deceased's assets) after your death without court approved administration. That is could, physically, be done illegally is beside the point.
  2. The bank does not know if you are alive or dead do they, mrs took money out of my account yesterday, I could have been dead for all they know The point is that you were not dead yesterday, if you were, the police would have been involved in that incidence. You really do not know that the police and embassies and families are involved in all foreigners' deaths enquiries?
  3. If and when you find a better solution can you post it here please. It's not difficult to know the legal solution as opposed to the daft bank employee's recommendation of theft and it has already been posted here!
  4. "The police don't tell us nor does anyone else". That's what she thinks! I wonder how many deceased foreigner's accounts she's had to deal with? Chances are, statistically, none. All foreigner's deaths have to be reported to the police. The police attend the foreigners residence...obviously...to secure personal items, passport, etc., including passbooks, ATM cards. Police inform the relevant embassy and from there the family and bank would be informed if there's evidence of bank assets however small. It's at that stage that any illegal, post-death withdrawals (thefts) from the deceased account would be seen and any action could be instigated. Ask the bank if their ignorant staffer would put that instruction in writing for future reference!
  5. Sure but the operative question to some on here is: How will the bank (ever) find out? How would the bank ever find out what?
  6. exactly with the taxi maffia in place, better go with bts as far you can go "Taxi mafia" at the official taxi stand a Suvarnabhumi? I don't think so.
  7. Perhaps she'd just picked it up from the street and wasn't the thief that you accuse her of being.
  8. She can physically do that but she would be committing a criminal offence by fraudulently taking your assets after your death and your death, as a foreigner, has to be reported to the police. Her not doing that is also an offence. "My mrs goes into Krungsri with the book and takes money out..." Does you missus fraudulently sign your name to get that money?
  9. It will cover that situation and then the court can authorise distribution of the assets (administration/'probate'). A bank cannot decide the authenticity of a will and then give away the assets of the deceased account holder.
  10. Banks are not able to grant authority for third parties to access the cash of deceased customers, courts appointing administrators/'probate' do that.
  11. The bank was absolutely correct, administration/'probate' is required. On an account-holders death, that has to be reported to the bank which freezes the account. Any withdrawals after the death are fraudulent/theft, even if the account holder gave access details to a third party before his death.
  12. there is only one way to drive, that's the correct way You're right but to bang on about it, righteously, suggests that you have only ever driven the "correct way". Is that right, you have never, ever, deviated from the "correct way" and have never put a foot wrong? If you haven't, even though you may not have been involved in a fatal, you need to pull your neck in but the truthful answer is obvious.
  13. He's enquiring about a 1-year extension of his permission of stay, based on Thai child, not a visa. Gawd. I can read, I know what he wants...
  14. Not everyone is as much of a personification of perfection as you are. The 14-year old boys on a motorbike should not have been there at all but certainly should have been riding in a manner that did not cause the bike to lose control on the bend!
  15. Maybe they did. Perhaps other airlines were the ones not working co-operatively with TG. All airlines need to maintain a minimum spares stock level for the operation of their own fleet and won't lend/sell parts to the competition if it depletes their stock, possibly jeopardising their own flights.
  16. Does it matter...they weren't complaining about the accommodation, were they?
  17. "Dealed for"? That makes it sound as though it was more than the usual online vendor/buyer situation. poster may not be a native speaker ? Maybe, but his OP is written in near as dammit perfect English with no indication that he is not 100% au fait with the language.
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