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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Another one who comments on research without understanding. I do not need to understand Covid cures in order to just pose that question. Is your understanding of Covid cures sufficient for you to comment more meaningfully on the subject than I or any other AN poster?
  2. Actually it is Trump that trumpeted this: Actually he was far from being the only one!
  3. It'd be interesting to know also how many people did not die after using it then the report may have some meaning instead of just being another lame Trump-bash!
  4. "Drug that Trump called a ‘miracle Covid cure..." I'm pretty sure that he never described it as "a miracle cure" but maybe someone will come up with a link that he did.
  5. Jail is not the only penalty for tax evasion. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2216335/importer-fleeing-tax-evasion-prison-sentence-caught-on-train https://www.voanews.com/a/a-13-2008-07-31-voa6/345973.html (But slipped out of it on appeal) https://apnews.com/article/c2a5c82f47cd49ceac713c4cac9b0256
  6. He's right but he's referring to depositng foreign currency into Non-resident Foreign Currency Deposit accounts, not exchanging the currency for THB.
  7. "Bringing into or taking out of Thailand baht banknotes in an amount exceeding THB 450,000 or foreign currency banknotes in an amount exceeding USD 15,000 or its equivalent requires a Customs declaration when entering or leaving the country." That's for Thai baht banknotes not foreign currencies.
  8. Foreign currency brought into Thailand exceeding USD15,000 or equivalent has to be declared. Exchange Control Regulation (bot.or.th) ศูนย์บริการศุลกากร - Customs Care Center "ศูนย์บริการศุลกากร - Customs Care Center". Your link's only seven years out of date... "Last updated date: 31 March 2017 12:05:30" . "Foreign Currency Individuals or tourists may bring foreign currency in the form of banknotes or coins out of or into the Kingdom without limits. But if the total value exceeds USD 20,000 or its equivalent, a declaration must be made to the customs officer at the time of passing through Customs". https://www.thailand.go.th/issue-focus-detail/009-010
  9. Not one single hat for sale anywhere in my soi!
  10. And the Customs Declaration presented to the bank, before it can be deposited What?
  11. Thanks for clarifying something that has not even been clarified by the Revenue Department. Do you have a source in the RD?
  12. Foreign currency can be carried in without limit, and without it being taxed, but anything over $20k has to be declared.
  13. Hear, hear! If they stop pretending 17 year old girls don't know what they are doing they'll also have to stop pretending that associating with 17-year olds is paedophilia!
  14. Did you read your own post? Don't alter other members posts as you did to mine, it's a contravention of the rules. I did not post that comment as you showed it.
  15. You really don't know what a paedophile is, do you?
  16. "...all one has to do is know just a few things about Trump to know.." How do you know that Trump has a liking for underaged girls, which is, clearly, what you are suggesting? I could say exactly the same thing about you and your proclivities (as you could about me) with just as much 'credibility' because I do not know you anymore than you know Trump.
  17. Okay let's forget about the island for a minute, how many times did he visit the mansion, and did he behave himself when he was in the mansion? Or did he just sit there like a good old boy, or did he engage? My guess is the latter on countless occasions. Yes, let's not post about the island, the thing most people keep going on about, the place that it's been confirmed that he never visited and, instead, start guessing about a new speculative rumour regarding a place that he's never been accused of visiting for nefarious activities.
  18. How could a "virtual machine" get stuck in Customs?
  19. Never. How may times have you seen that? What are you doing standing so close that you can read what's on the piece of paper or phone of the person ahead of you, anyway?
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