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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Exactly the same reasons as those given for Tesla. I thought that the number of syllables in the name was particularly good.
  2. Circa 15% of the posts on this thread by someone point scoring and trying niggle other posters who are actually addressing the OP. Theres only a small reprieve if I put you on ignore anyway because you’re almost at your reincarnation point. Just try and play nice huh ? Thanks for your valuable statistics and your opinion. So appreciated. Do you think that it is ok to instruct other members how to post even if you, in some grandiose way, claim that they are not "playing nice"...in your subjective opinion. And do you think that anyone has to take notice of your demands?
  3. Thankyou for quoting me and also editing my post. You're welcome but I did not edit your post, I quoted the relevant part directly and accurately.
  4. Where did you get that partially incorrect information from. A DL is not required to be the registered owner of a car.
  5. Go figure if that unlikely tale is true. Why would any dealer, or salesman on commission, turn down a sale for a reason that didn't prevent him from making the sale?
  6. That's wrong, not having the legal ability to drive does not prevent that person from registering a car in their name.
  7. It could be registered in her name, doubt that any insurance company would offer her cover for driving illegally, though.
  8. This will get you started: Nah, it won't, I was asking him.
  9. The cat just gave 3 reasons he thinks Tesla is a good name and of course you need more ? My point was that, using his criteria, "Good Cat" as a name is just as good as "Tesla". Who's "the cat"?
  10. Was the purchase illegal or was it the sale that was illegal? I don't think it is illegal to buy those products, it's certainly not illegal to post them within Thailand. If I bought some of them from Sandboxer would I be committing an offence?
  11. You might have got dressed before taking the photo!
  12. Isn't expressing an opinion (even if it differed from most) and correcting incorrect information allowed on this forum? Should false information go uncontested? Is your comment any less "boorish" or your "attitude" any better than anyone else's? If you don't approve of my comments you don't have to read them or respond to them.
  13. Who is that addressed to...the thread in general?
  14. Just like Good Cat, then. What makes "Tesla" a "good name"?
  15. Give it a break! You were being a smarta**. That's just your interpretation of my pointing out the ignorance of your "fractional reverse" comment.
  16. If I made any comment that was not correct please point it out. By the way, you do not represent Webfact, the OP.
  17. Apologies Mr. Grammar Nazi. I made reference only to an incorrect assertion. You brought up grammar.
  18. Fake electors and hiding documents are slam dunk felonies. To be imprisoned in the US (as was posted by the member to whom I responded) wouldn't he have to have been found guilty of those "offences" first?
  19. I am assuming you're not joking, so let me explain: someone attempts to cross the border illegally. ICE catches them and sends them back to Mexico. Or they overstay their visa, and then are caught. Under Biden, more are caught than under Ttump. Hahahahahaaa! I am assuming you're joking!
  20. If they hadn't been allowed to enter illegally, none of them would have been apprehended, would they?
  21. What is it that he has "so blatantly obviously done" that would put him in prison in the US? Other countries are irrelevant.
  22. Two down, two to be overturned by the Supreme Court.
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