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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Why? Have you had a bad experience with them?
  2. You are wrong, because cash over AUD 10k does indeed need approval, because it needs to be declared to Austrac (Australia's anti money laundering agency, not ABF) prior to travel. Travellers must complete a form and provide evidence to show the money comes from a legitimate source. Follow the link in my previous post. No, I am not wrong, that pre-arrival at Customs declaration is an option. From the instructions on that declaration... "...If you are unable to submit an electronic form, you can fill in a paper form at the port of your arrival [i.e. declare it on arrival] or departure". https://apps.austrac.gov.au/cbmmi/carrying/introduction
  3. Another troll - mate of lou or same bloke - either way, go troll someone else - and get a life. If both of you are reading this - look up cognitive bias - you both (or one and same) dont listen - you think what you think is correct and nothing will 'correct' that - like a woke teenage girl. Being accurate and debunking falsehoods is trolling, is it? But your constantly posting incorrect information, making false accusations of my posting here under more than one name and reverting to lame insults is ok? I see.
  4. Wrong - but I have said all I will say in last reply GSB does guarantee all deposits. No banks anywhere in the "1st world", as you put it, have unlimited deposit protection, as you claim. It there were any, you'd have quoted them.
  5. Just curious how you came out with 500B loss. Did you read the final audit statement by the Office of the Auditor General or just a convenient number that everyone ape. I didn't calculate that figure, nor did I read the AG's report, I quoted what was reported about the case. Perhaps you can provide the correct figure and, if you read the Auditor's report, debunk the commonly quoted B500bn figure if all those reports are inaccurate?
  6. Court revokes order for Yingluck to pay Bt35bn compensation for rice scheme All that is is the court deciding that she doesn't have to pay the partial compensation order that was originally imposed, it is not overturning her conviction and jail sentence for the abuse of power.
  7. "Some examples of ailments caused by very cold a/c in vehicles ... Taxi was held up in traffic, they were probably in the cab sitting in cold a/c for about 45 minutes (according to them).... All 3 of them came down with a head cold and flu like symptoms a day later"; Colds and flu are caused by viruses, not cold temperatures. I'm surprised your pals didn't think that getting wet (as in being cuaght in the rain) causes their colds or flu troubles. You don't think that it was much more likely that one of your friends perhaps infected the others in the taxi with his cold/flu, do you?! "...a/c was blowing cold air on the RHS of my neck but I didn't bother readjusting the vents. It wasn't even so noticable after several hours. When I woke up the following morning I couldn't even move my neck/head. A bloody stiff neck... obviously caused by the a/c the previous day." A stiff neck is not an illness. Much more likely that you'd been sleeping awkwardly (and exaggerating your claim of a completely "immobile head") rather than it being caused by the a/c that, to use your own words, "wasn't even so noticeable". "I'm sure Dr Lou will have a 'comeback' sm*rt*rse response to me because I corrected him" You didn't correct me, you just compounded your ignorance. It is sad that some people regard my posting accurate observations as "comeback smartarse responses" while they're posting easily debunked nonsense as being factual. Perhaps you could post something verifiable that explains that colds/flu/illnesses are not caused by viruses or bacterial infections but by cold temperatures? Now, that would be correcting me.
  8. Like her brothers 8 yr sentence??? Maybe, but it hasn't been commuted yet.
  9. Did his scheme cost the country B500bn and was it fraudulent like Yingluck's?
  10. Her first abuse of power conviction and 5-year sentence still stands.
  11. BritScot was "so" not correct and any support for his inaccurate assertions is misguided. He claimed that she was removed in a coup. She was not.
  12. Hm,..They will conveniently forget all those charges,.. How can her conviction and 5-year sentence be forgotten?
  13. Which reasoning skills are you using? Which warrant was issued illegally? Which crime didn't she commit? Why do you think her slate is cleared, have you forgotten the B500bn rice pledging conviction?
  14. Fraudulent rice pledging scheme for which she was convicted. No ne here has to show the evidence for that.
  15. Prayut did not remove her from office, the Constitutional Court did that...before the Prayut's coup.
  16. What are you talking about, she was charged and convicted and subsequently got five years, that's why she cleared off!
  17. Rolls Royce case - Ground to a halt because RR refused to provide evidence or cooperate. Red Bull - Plenty heard, there's still a warrant out for him. Police Chief's B50k was investigated and found to be legitimate. The police station case - as you say acquitted. Yingluck was charged with and convicted of abuse of power, that is corruption.
  18. It's amazing the number of posters who do not know that Yingluck was removed from office by the Constitutional Court, not a coup, nor that she still has a conviction and a five-year sentence for her dodgy rice pledging scheme regardless of the dismissal of this different case.
  19. You do know that her 5-year sentence for the rice scheme has not been overturned, yes?
  20. It'd be very surprising if his location is not known but, if they do locate his whereabouts, outside Thailand, what do you suggest the RTP could do about it?
  21. You're incorrect, again, she was on bail and had been convicted but buggered off before the sentence for her conviction was announced.
  22. No, she was not. She was removed from office by the Constitutional Court for abuse of power, she was not PM at the time of the coup.
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