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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Who brings all previous boarding passes every time they enter? Irrelevant anyway, as previous entry must have been approved. Yes, it says a lot about the veracity of the OP's thread.
  2. Why? A visa is not a guarantee of entry nor an indication that the holder is entitled to enter, IOs are the only ones who can make that decision.
  3. What a bunch of boot licking crapola B0llocks, he's absolutely right.
  4. I haven't waded through all of this thread yet, has anyone asked him whether he was displaying a bit of a twatty attitude to the IO?
  5. Gawd. The entire forum needs less (i.e. no) "...should of could of's" [sic].
  6. "I imagine there are many in the forum with the right knowledge and connections in Thailand to put this vermin in his place". Huh?
  7. Were you using the phone in an area where using a phone (regardless of whether you were taking photos or not) was prohibited?
  8. If I were a betting man I'd put a lot of money on that comment being a huge overstatement.
  9. He would not have any legal liability for denying your entry. His job gives him that authority!
  10. He's allowed to lie, it's called "bluffing". Did you lie to him about anything?
  11. You have ignored the question that you were asked a couple of times about whether it was the fact that you were using your phone in a prohibited area that started this incident. Were you? You have also ignored the question that you were asked a couple of times about whether it was the fact that you could not produce the B20k cash or equivalent that may have contributed to this incident. Were you able to do that?
  12. Perhaps he doesn't meet that requirement and he has carefully decided not to admit that here?
  13. Yes, they can. IOs have the authority to decide who enters the country and who is denied entry, just like in every other country.
  14. Were you using the phone in an area that prohibited the use of phones?
  15. Thank you for clearly well thought out and reasoned reply. Thank you. You forget to acknowledge that it was also accurate. Did you really think that your comment comparing the two circumstances was "clearly thought out and reaoned?!
  16. I would trust the UK police any day over the Thai police or the US police. Simple as that. Your "trust" wasn't my point. Germany's attitude to extradition to the UK, etc. is exactly the same as to Thailand. Simple as that.
  17. And you actually believe that there will be a full investigation into this? Yes. Do you actually believe that there will be no investigation?
  18. Germany won't extradite to UK, either, nor the US, due to "how filthy" those police forces are also, yes?
  19. Even though he specifically covered the fact that those officers are being investigated in the same article?
  20. Do you think that he offered the bribe? Doesn't matter what I think and I'm not going to speculate but the officers concerned are being investigated.
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