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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Ezekial wasn't an idiot. What makes you so sure of that? Are you suggesting that I am?
  2. And you seriously think that none of that can be applied to Biden supporters and even come up with your reply above, that I am sure you thought was clever?!
  3. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a statement unless you had some real evidence to support your claim. So please share with us the information you have about Beau, Naomi, and Ashley. Or maybe it's time for a reminder from the landing page of World News: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." I'm going to go out on a limb here to say you've got nothing. I didn't "make a statement", I asked you as question...see the question mark?
  4. Well, your previousl comment about Biden's children shows that now matter how many rational supporters of Trump there may be, your insinuation vis a vis the Biden's children excludes you from being numbered among them. As does yours vis-à-vis rationality.
  5. You expect reason from trumpsters? if they were reasonable they would not be trumpsters. And, just as rationally...you expect reason from Bidensters? if they were reasonable they would not be Bidensters.
  6. You really don't get it? JonnyF claimed that children are a reflection of their parents. Biden had 4 children. Only one of them is named Hunter. You don't get it. You really think the rest of the dodgy family are pure as and weren't in on receiving the dirty bunce indirectly?!
  7. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: neither shall the father accept dodgy, laundered money from his equally dodgy son, nor shall he lie about it.
  8. Are you aware the Biden has 4 children? What has the number of children he has got to do with it?
  9. I'm glad that you appreciate that there really should be a modicum of accuracy in posted comments. "...where would we be without you.." You'd be reading a load of old b0llocks most of the time!
  10. Hmm, it turns from a quick google that sales tax here is nothing more than another name for VAT, I merely copied the nomenclature from another post in my response. I'll go outside and self flagellate with some barbed wire and beg the gods for forgiveness. "I'll go outside and self flagellate with some barbed wire and beg the gods for forgiveness". I should think so, too.
  11. ...and wait for the incredulous response, "You must be fecking joking". Click."
  12. No, but, just as ridiculously, as the article states, they are to administer breathalyser tests.
  13. Read the article, it clearly, ridiculously, states that the venue operators have to call someone to take them home or hail public transport for them.
  14. No, it clearly (and ridiculously) stated that the venue operators are to decide that by way of breathalyser testing.
  15. Where has it been reported that entertainment venues have to detain over-the-limit customers?
  16. No where has it been stated that bar owners, etc., have to detain their drunk customers, they cannot. It does state that they have to provide areas in which they can sober up or arrange transport home for them.
  17. The complete quote, had you bothered to read it in full, is: "Pointing out that foreigners pay sales tax and VAT is also meaningless, everyone pays it so everyone is the same". I know what the full post was, so why are you claiming that foreigners pay sales tax and VAT. They do not, no one pays "sales tax" and VAT in Thailand, there is no sales tax in addition to VAT.
  18. In reality she had committed the offence of working without a work permit, in contravention of her visa's conditions.
  19. ...but potentially she faces deportation and even blacklisting! What makes you claim that? Her case is done and she has been charged and fined. If she was facing deportation she would be in custody with her visa cancelled and that has not happened.
  20. "sales tax and VAT" What is this "sales tax" that you are bizarrely claiming foreigners pay in addition to VAT? Perhaps you just trying to make it appear that we pay more than we actually do?
  21. So go to one of those other countries, then. No one forced you to live here and Thailand has never made any promises that the benefits you want are, or will be, available here. For paying any taxes due in Thailand you get exactly what Thailand promised you.
  22. "...knowing the defamation laws in Thailand, don't you think they would do something?" Clearly, you do not know the defamation laws. No, they would not be able to do anything, as in this case, she was not charged with defamation. Neither Thailand as a country, nor it's government as an entity, can be defamed under the defamation laws and any person doing so person cannot be charged with defamation. If they're dong something else that is illegal maybe they should watch out, if they're not, they have free rein.
  23. ...apart from the working here without a work permit offence on a visa that does not allow working!
  24. Yes, the (Nana Plaza) land was sold to the current owners but the "hooker places" did not all close, they're still there. Annie's was never in the Plaza, it was in the Rajah Hotel car park further down Soi 4 and relocated to Soi 7/1.
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