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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Clearly, you're right, we don't, but there's always going to be some AN posters who are desperate to keep the scaremongering going.
  2. Yes, and that action, that resulted from her bad-mouthing, was to be charged with working illegally! Can't you read any of the reports that specify the charges?
  3. That's because you're ordering Thai food in a Thai restaurant in Thailand. If you don't actually want Thai food, don't order Thai food in a Thai restaurant.
  4. Ever tried a Thai dessert? They taste much better than "deserts".
  5. Why are you frustrated by what other people order for their own meals when it's none of your concern and doesn't affect you in any way? How do you know the specifics of other restaurant customers' orders, anyway?
  6. So if that is the case why is she being threatened with deportation? https://aseannow.com/topic/1313834-chinese-top-visa-holder-summoned-and-fined-over-distorted-claims-about-bangkok’s-notorious-nana/ Because she broke the terms of her visa which does not permit her to work here. That's what she was fined for.
  7. He did rent to her solely as soon as he agreed to remove the "husband's" name from the lease and drew up the new contract in her name.
  8. He didn't just "remove himself", all parties, including the OP, agreed to the change in the contract.
  9. No, it is like the consequences of contravening the conditions of a visa by working illegally. Killing someone doesn't mean deportation.
  10. That said, you are posting nonsense...that crossing and junction does have traffic lights controlling vehicles heading west towards the expressway at Soi 1.
  11. Why should you be wary? Your letter to the Bangkok Post will only be a problem if it contains a confession to your working here illegally as that woman was, apparently, that being the only thing she was charged with.
  12. Just as a consequence of your last, bracketed, sentence you'll probably get them.
  13. I think it is.... Profiling based on nationality (more than race). Yes, that was my point to the OP who was suggesting that foreigners were the victims of whatever type of profiling it was...it applies to all, Thais included, so, regarding his thread, it is not profiling directed at foreigners in particular.
  14. Oh yes ,you know what I mean mate Alwight mate ,akwight Jesus... What are you blabbering on about? I'm sure no one knows what you mean. Mate. Liquid lunch. perhaps?
  15. Doesn't make sense ..."I'd done ..,how is that for punctuation? Oh dear. "I'd done" is called a "contraction" and it means "I had done the facial recognition exercise". Perfectly acceptable in English language grammar and there was nothing wrong with the punctuation. Perhaps you would have preferred me to post "I'd [I had] did the facial recognition exercise"?
  16. let me get back to you on that No need to, I wasn't asking you about the veracity of V8M8's own tale.
  17. Very odd, I've just done a successful B50,001 transfer out on the basis of this thread and the only requirement was a face selfie, no other questions.
  18. Floyd was arrested by a black police officer, that's hardly discrimination and, as the legal cases are ongoing, that his death was not caused by the police officer may yet be proven.
  19. Where's your evidence that the police were only targetting foreigners at that checkpoint? How long did you stay there to observe?
  20. Was it racial profiling on the few occasions that I've been waved through police checkpoints but the locals were not?
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