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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What makes you think that she is a "rich bastard". I'm sure that if she had attempted to murder the rider or intended to cause GBH, those charges would be made. As it is, she is being charged with, the appropriate, reckless driving causing injuries to others.
  2. It was originally written by Thai Rath (there is a link) in normal unenhanced, non-flowery, non-mocking language. Can't imagine who would have had a hand in the God-awful "translation"!
  3. And it is nothing, whatsoever, like the actual Thai Rath report that was succinct and to the point. One can only assume that someone was taking the piss with their own "translation" before the article was able to be republished.
  4. "..in a stylist manner which emulates verbage..." Stylistic. Verbiage. As enamoured as you were, you weren't enamoured enough to know more about the English language than AI.
  5. Did you see any evidence of that in the video in the OP of the attack by a foreigner on what appeared to be another foreigner in the street?
  6. Of course, they are, that's no great revelation! How else do you expect the banks as profit-generating businesses to make money? Do you expect to be able to borrow from the banks free of charge or at rates lower than the rates of their revenue?
  7. Then there are some who want to make "observations" about situations, such as the state of the road, with nothing being observable.
  8. There are no pictures in the OP that enable that observation to be made apart from a couple of metres shown alongside a rescue vehicle!
  9. Depends what debris in the road it hits and which part of the tyre is impacted, not everything is a small nail or screw. You've been lucky, the driver and his passengers weren't, why condemn him with no evidence apart from assumed generalities?
  10. Not here, your rational possibility will never be accepted as reasonable by most AN posters. You do understand that I was supporting your comment, don't you?
  11. "...just the driver making an excuse..." The driver is dead. The tyre burst as he was overtaking another pickup.
  12. C'mon, suggesting a rational possible explanation as opposed to the par-for-the-course, moronic, chronic Thai-bashing assertions won't go down well here!
  13. Not every item coming into the country is selected for examination by Customs.
  14. I'd imagine that just sucking it while being choked was bad enough without the addition of the Arabs blood.
  15. No, I m not confused, I am asked every time. There are notices posted in Nana Post Office, for instance, warning that original ID/passport is required for all overseas mail. Which specific Post Office are you referring to that doesn't enforce this requirement?
  16. The arrest of a foreigner was reported here because this is mainly an expat forum...no reason to report Thais in the same position here* nor to assume that no Thais are arrested for illegal gun possession. Edit: * Apart from the Thai reported here also!
  17. Where did you get that "information" from? How much was this Swede fined?
  18. Maybe because RTP's jurisdiction stops at the borders of Thailand.
  19. Obviously, the same fine applies to Thais who are caught in possession. The foreigners who are not caught in possession face the same fine as those "thousands of Thais" that you reference who are also not apprehended.
  20. Maybe you need to spend some time with the Forum Rules.
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