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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Pedantic, because it didn’t and doesn’t matter. Maybe not to you, but that doesn't mean that an accurate correction of a glaringly false claim is pedanticism.
  2. Nonsense, beneficiaries of estates named in wills do not pay inheritance tax on their inheritance, the estate of the deceased pays any inheritance tax that is due, through the executor.
  3. I'm not condoning the action of the driver but, for some reason, you're assuming that these elderly bike riders were using lights on their bikes and riding in single file in darkness, something that was not reported.
  4. No excuse for a hit-and-run but... riding in the early morning hours when it's still nearly dark and riding in groups. Maybe they were going around a curve while taking up the entire lane and the driver didn't have time to react as they were going around a curve while taking up the entire lane.
  5. "...right TIT" Well, you said it. Condemning all Thais as "not responsible enough to accept blame", based on just this and, maybe, a couple of other incidents is irrational, Thai-bashing garbage.
  6. Qualified UK accountant or anonymous, semi-literate, unqualified Asean Now posters flitting between guessing and googling for IHT advice? What? Difficult decision..seriously.
  7. I was replying to a posted who claimed the British were chased off from Hong Kong and I replied that the British left Hong Kong willingly after the 100 year lease expired . This is the relevant part of the comment that you posted in reference to Hong Kong in general that I, and someone else, disputed... "The British ... leased the land from China and the lease expired". That was untrue, Hong Kong was not leased from China, only the part that became the New Territories was leased.
  8. Point being that the U.K left Hong Kong willingly and were not chased off Well, that's your point now! Previously, it was "leased Hong Kong" nonsense!
  9. He knows that, he said that he wants his name on the house, not the land.
  10. Those aren't dildos, they're phalluses intended to bestow good luck and good fertility.
  11. if you dont mind telling me what was his sentence? Life. Commuted from death.
  12. Why should he when he hasn't asked that of anyone else? All he has done, according to the OP, is stop the issuance of new firearms permits.
  13. Convicted, in jail, no bail, didn't apply for bail or an appeal.
  14. The Ron Jeremy who has been indicted on 34 counts of sexual assault, including 12 counts of rape? Very dubious aspiration.
  15. He can, because you are not correct. Hong Kong was ceded to the UK, not leased. The part that was later leased from China was just the New Territories, not the whole of Hong Kong.
  16. It's amazing how many people, completely unreasonably, expect their entertainment to be provided free of charge.
  17. "I am not prepared to pay for "Premium"..." It's sad if that is beyond your means but B159 per month is dirt cheap to get rid of the annoyance completely.
  18. The man in the video did not say that about the police, he said that about the ambulances but, then, he also said "It was a stampede...well, it wasn't really a stampede"!
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