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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. More accurate than "funny". Meanwhile, your comments have fallen into the "false and misleading information" category, an area that contravenes the forum rules. "The Cabinet decided today (Wednesday) to cut the price of electricity from Bt4.45 to Bt4.10 per unit, effective from September’s billing cycled, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin told the media after his first cabinet meeting". https://www.thaipbsworld.com/cabinet-cuts-electricity-prices
  2. How out of touch are you? That article you linked to referred to electricity consumption, not Kwh/unit rates increasing. Current domestic unit rates after VAT and fuel tariff work out less than B5 per unit, for your rate to have tripled would mean that you were previously being charged around B1.67 per Kwh/unit overall. You were not being charged that at the start of '23 or any other year, come to that.
  3. Resident here for 29 years, lived in three houses, renting a condo at the moment, as I clearly stated earlier, receiving bills from MEA. Perhaps you'd like to quote the official PEA electricity rates that they show to justify your incorrect assertion that electricity Kwh/unit rates have tripled since May.
  4. do you even live in Thailand? do you use PEA? go grouch on someone else. every person in the country with an actual house or business complained about it. our bill was 3x for 4 months so far. Yes, I do live in Thailand, have done continuously since 1994 and I know, as do any others who can read an electricity bill, that unit rates have not tripled...you may have used three times as much power as previously but Kwh charges have not increased by a multiple of three. My latest bill, received today, works out at a MEA unit rate of B4.38 based on the total charge divided by the units used. You may need to show your (suitably redacted) bill here to back up your bizarre assertion.
  5. Kasikorn has an English-speaking call centre and most branches will have someone who can speak enough English to answer your question. There's more bank staff than just the tellers.
  6. According to regulation yes. Have you tried it? 555 For vehicles is 80% . Who sets valuation ? Sigh ! Sigh...Car parts and vehicles are different categories. Customs department sets the duty rates.
  7. Yes, I am registered, haven't experienced any crashing, paid for a dirty McDonald's using it.
  8. And you may just be quite mistaken. Clearly, he is not mistaken.
  9. Importing used cars is not permitted by law, been that way since 2019. Any used cars imported since 10th December 2019, regardless of whether bribes were paid, have been imported illegally.
  10. Even to my limited translated version of your multiple posts is like frantic hand waves of face save denial typical of witnessed and busted shoplifter ! ???? Your interpretation of my comments is unfortunate. If there is anything inaccurate in my comments on this thread, please point them out, specifically, then your interpretation may have some validity.
  11. I'm saying that I get the electricity bill for the condo that I rent directly from the MEA, obviously at the normal rate. I don't know what arrangements other condo owners put in place for their tenants.
  12. Not true, many are chopped up in Yokohama then shipped here as parts, and reassembled. "Not true..." Gawd...what are you talking about? Thailand has not permitted the import of used cars since 2019, it's just ridiculous that you say that is not true. I have made no comment on the import of parts.
  13. Don't think that's true. I think Kim imported a few special MB's I was going to make that comment but most of the thread are too confused already!
  14. Thailand expressly prohibited the personal importation of used vehicles three years ago, not "essentially" or "discouragingly".
  15. I think you misinterpreted the original statement/question. In my interpretation the poster meant Thailand as in private businesses, dealerships, private individuals Well, that's your interpretation of his comment that he clearly posted in black and white. My comment was a response to what he actually posted.
  16. Personal used car imports into Thailand have been prohibited since 2019.
  17. I made no reference to rented houses, I live in a rented property, it's a privately owned condo. A condo is not the same as an apartment.
  18. No, there don't appear to be. By using the word "waiting" you're suggesting that used car imports are going to be allowed...what makes you think that? You're going to have a long wait!
  19. Wrong. No problem to import used cars in many countries in Europe. Another one who cannot read! Thailand does not permit used car imports and no countries or governments IMPORT used cars. They may permit the import of those vehicles but no countries/governments in Europe actually import used vehicles as a government initiative.
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