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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. As for zero comprehension of the law let's start with the Thai authorities for refusing to find and extradite him...ok i take that back. They surely must know that the law would require his apprehension but the big brown suitcases full of red bull cash say it is not in their interest to enforce the law. Let's stick with your zero comprehension of the law. Thai authorities cannot extradite anyone without the agreement and cooperation of the authorities in the country that he is located, the RTP can only request extradition. If that country does not agree to extradition, that's their prerogative, they do not have to comply. That the RTP knows that his apprehension is a requirement of Thai law is of no consequence if he is not located within the jurisdiction of the Thai authorities, they cannot just demand that another country bows down to their demands and arrests him.
  2. I was quoting directly from CNN! You are not!???? No, you're right I am not quoting from CNN (does CNN have some special credibility?), I am quoting Interpol. Interpol has issued statements on the accessbility of the Red Notice list a number of times. The majority of it cannot be accessed by the public.
  3. Domestic electricity rates have not dramatically increased by the factors that you claimed. Your usage may have dramatically increased but the Kwh rates have not. What is the Kwh rate that you are being charged on your domestic bill and what rate are you still claiming that it has it increased from?
  4. In reality, Red Notices are not all available for viewing by "commoners" or anyone who is not a serving member of a member police force!
  5. "We" have not ever known that. His details were shown on the publicly available section at one time.
  6. It actually is impossible to check out as most of Interpol's Red Notice list is not publicly accessible. Its website only shows a small proportion of those on the list.
  7. He cannot be if he is not in Thailand, the only place where Thailand has jurisdiction.
  8. Yes, there has, Interpol has confirmed it on a number of occasions and his picture was shown on the publicly viewable area of Interpol's website for a period. The majority of Interpol's Notice lists are not available for the general public to access.
  9. Agree. I have zero doubt that given an incentive that there are many many operatives that could capture red bull in less than a month and deliver him to Thai custody. Unfortunately, you have zero comprehension of the law as his case would be thrown out of court because kidnapping, as opposed to legal extradition, is an offence. There are no such legitimate "operatives" in the real world.
  10. Unfortunately, those "international bounty hunters" only exist in your imagination and movies, not real life.
  11. Yes. Confirmed by Interpol several times and seen on the public area of the site for a period.
  12. He is not "a murderer", there are no murder charges against him, only traffic offences. But if he was located by these investigative journalists (who have no powers) what do "they" do about him, or with him, presuming that he is not in Thailand? RTP have no powers of arrest anywhere except Thailand.
  13. Wouldn't it be great if posters made rational comments? Vorayuth cannot be made to "serve" time served as he has not even appeared in court, never mind been found guilty of anything yet, he has no sentence hanging over him yet.
  14. "Boss currently not listed on the Interpol Red Notice list of wanted people by Thai authorities published on the international police agency’s website" Interpol has clarified this so many times already, just because his name is not shown on the small proportion of Red Notices available for public viewing does not mean that he is not on the list...the fact is that most of the list is not publicly available. Police forces do not get their "wanted" information from a public website.
  15. No exercise is done with the intent of it goiing on for a short period, then stopping forever. Business does not squander money in this manner. The trial period is to test the waters to guage what the reaction would be. You seem to have a very limited understanding of the world. You're entitled to speculate just as I'm entitled to point out, and comment on, whatever was actually reported and there was no mention of this one airline's exercise being a precursor to higher charges for the obese. Your opinion of my "understanding of the world" is as fatuous as it is irrelevant.
  16. Where did it report that any renovation was to be done?
  17. It didn't report that upgrades would be necessary, nor that there had not been any maintenance up to now nor that the accommodation was mouldy.
  18. No, that's not the plan, at all, if it was it would have been mentioned in the article that clearly states that it finishes on 31st October.
  19. Where in this report did it mention extra costs in an exercise that will last another six weeks only?
  20. "Weighing passengers to become standard for Bangkok Airways" ...only until 31st October!
  21. Hopefully, they won't be just allotted, they'll be forced to purchase two seats!
  22. Family Mart was not "killed by CP", it was bought by Central/Tops and is now called Tops Daily.
  23. Needs some more clarification... The picture in the link sort of clarifies it...he was half-off the pavement with one foot on the road as though he was, maybe, about to cross in front of the tuk-tuk.
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