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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I'm sure that they will announce that to me at the same time they announce it to you! I'd bet that they wouldn't have needed as long as a week, though.
  2. Has Donald Trump ever told a lie? Even if he has, what's that got to do with my comment, it's still just your opinion, isn't it? Have you ever told a lie?
  3. Unfortunately, those "facts" have sod-all to do with the indictments in this thread. That's a fact.
  4. Do you really think that jack smith would just make up a bunch of testimony from republicans and put them in quotation marks if he did not have that testimony nailed down with video and texts of the actual testimony? Do you think he would be stupid enough to make any allegation without having the receipts to back it up in court? Do you think the grand jury would have indicted on a bunch of theories? Do you think jack smith or the DOJ would go forward with something that they were not almost 100% sure can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law that would make it all look like a hit job? Take a look at Jack Smith. Does he appear to be a guy that just pulls stuff out of his rear end like the defendant? Read the indictment which does not even include all of the evidence he has, just the highlights. "Do you really think that jack smith would just make up..." Yes, absolutely right I do, to all of that.
  5. Ask the DOJ, they're the experts and if you really don't know that, my explaining it to you will not help!
  6. Never? Perhaps not eating meat has just caused your nose not to work.
  7. ,,,and isn't a deodorant, which is what the OP was asking about.
  8. Me...amongst many others. Aren't we permitted reactions, new rule or something?
  9. Oh, my...you're not serious are you? "How could you know what areas of the indictment will be confirmed to be "facts"?" I did not say that I do know which, if any, area of the indictment would prove to be factual!
  10. Lordy. The DOJ is not going to make accusations without facts/evidence to back them up. Especially not against an ex-Prez. You need to read the indictment. "The DOJ is not going to make accusations without facts/evidence to back them up". Hahahahahahaha.....! It's got a bloody history of doing just that!
  11. The OP report, as quoted below, indicates the victim was in more pieces than just two I know that. What's your point?
  12. You need to get out a bit more, then. How could you know what areas of the indictment will be confirmed to be "facts"?
  13. You don't seem to realise that an indictment is not a statement of facts, it's just an accusation!
  14. Ah, yes, that would be so easy. Geez... He can't find a bee keeper so what do you think the chances are of his being able to get a suit, hood, smoker and having the ability to remove the nest, not to mention access a conveniently close "forest area" for disposal?!
  15. Why assume something that the OP has clearly stated he is not planning to do? He's asking about THB cash into Thailand... "What is the limit of Thai Baht that I'm allowed to bring into the country with me?"
  16. That is not regarding THB into Thailand, it's taking THB to other countries! "For Thai currency (Baht), any person can bring total amount not exceed THB500,000 to any Thailand’s bounded countries and not exceed THB50,000 to any destination countries".
  17. There's no restriction on the amount of Thai currency that can be brought into Thailand.
  18. From the news reports it actually sounds as though "decapitated" was the correct word as his head was put in a travel bag and dumped in the sea near his hotel.
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