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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. With horror if it was my house, obviously, but I suppose it depends on who owns the house!
  2. "...in most cases, homicidal deaths [such as your examples of suffocation!] being masqueraded as natural or suicidal deaths tend to unravel following meticulous examination". Thanks for that confirmation!
  3. Actually, they enforce immigration laws. But thanks for your input. Actually, they are officers of the RTP, Immigration Bureau, and can enforce any laws just as any other RTP officer can, but thanks for your input.
  4. "You said the car will probably be written off, you're wrong". I disagree, I believe it will be written off. You're wrong. No one would be "writing off B5m", it's the car that gets written off by the insurer. You seriously think that an insurer will pay to repair this for the owner to the standard it was before the fire? Have you any idea how much was spent on this car and what the mods were? If the insurer decides that they will not cover the cost of the rebuild, i.e. they write off the car, of course it will get sold...by the insurance company. That's what they do with written-off vehicles, they sell them, what else would the insurer do with them?
  5. Maybe poppers. Illegal in Thailand. Illegal as inhalants in many other countries, also.
  6. Maybe there could have been underage males there. What does it matter, anyway, they're police officers.
  7. So no real police? I wonder why that might have been the case... It wasn't the case. "Police from the Children and Women's Welfare Supervision Division", i.e. RTP officers.
  8. Fortuners are shorter than Camrys and only 1.5 cm wider. Suppose a Camry must be in your "supremely impractical for any urban use" class, then?!
  9. It's an ordinary SUV, not a Cayenne, what do you expect?
  10. The whole sentence was "My post was just laying out a possibility, but as usual you only want to see positive words and not negative views", for which your short cutting of only a portion changed the context of the sentence. Your opinion of what you think that I want to see (!) and your separate assertion of possible insurance fraud are not connected. I was commenting only on your assertion (with a question mark) of possible fraud. My quoting the relevant part of your comment did not alter the context of that.
  11. Once again showing off your ignorance. The replacement cost of everything in a stock GTR is around 5MB including taxes + labour. No idiot is going to write off a 10MB car when it can be fixed for 5MB. To use your sage words, 'once again showing off your ignorance'. Did you look at the photo of the car? This was a million miles away from a stock GTR!
  12. When he claims the insurer will decide whether to write the car off or repair it. A repair in this case is very unlikely. Assuming that he has it insured according to his insurer's requirements, his insurer will know about the modifications and he will not necessarily have to produce documentation/receipts for them, he will be paid either market value or an "agreed value" depending on his policy. If the insurer had not been informed of the substantial modifications he'll probably have a fight on his hands to get anything.
  13. Again your view as it started of with "Insurance Scam?", notice the question mark but to each his own, enjoy your view as I agree to disagree. Next time quote my entire post and not cut and past a certain segment to try and use it as a misquote as you did. The first two words of your post were "insurance scam?", something that you were clearly suggesting. I have not snipped any of your quotes that have altered the tone or context of your comments, neither have I misquoted you. There is no requirement for an entire post to be quoted. unnecessarily.
  14. So just because there have been insurance frauds, worldwide, and the owner of this car is Thai, you suggest in your first post that this, respected and well-known man, is involved in one? I'll take a step off, your idea of, my "high horse" when you show something to back your assertion about the owner in this case. Until then, perhaps you should get off your high horse.
  15. Try upper Sukhumvit. Those Grab and 7-Eleven guys race past you on the sidewalk all the time, just 50 or 100m from the next traffic police booth... So, who said that's ok, apart from you? Think you'll find that the answer is no one has said that's ok.
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