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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Undoubtedly, due to it not being covered by the policy. That's something not to forget, either.
  2. Search the insurance industry's pay-out record, it takes seconds to do. "...just a nice warm fuzzy story from a random person on the internet" No, facts from anonymous people with industry experience on the internet versus uninformed opinions from anonymous people with no industry experience on the internet that choose to dispute the overall claims evidence, despite the ease of checking it! Here's one source, there's many others... https://www.unbiased.co.uk/news/financial-adviser/5-startling-facts-about-insurance-payouts#:~:text=So how much do insurers,policies were accepted last year. "Travel insurers paid over £1,042 per claim in 2019/20 and the claims acceptance rate fell to 83%". https://www.abi.org.uk/data/ Do you have any evidence that disputes these facts? And quoting a couple of individuals' denied claims isn't representative of the whole industry.
  3. Publicise what happened to him and hope that some people take note of the possible consequences and do not opt to join the idiots club.
  4. What evidence was presented ? Personal, first hand knowledge presented by the poster. What he said was 100% correct and that is based on my own personal, first hand knowledge of the insurance industry. You may like to Google the percentages of insurance claims that are paid out by all areas of the industry...it is very high.
  5. About time a rational, evidenced comment regarding insurance claims was posted here, well said.
  6. Garbage. Why should insurance companies be responsible for uninsured incidents and the uninsured? They have no more obligation to do so than you or I have to pay for this man's medical expenses. Have you any idea of the percentage of insurance claims overall that are actually successfully paid out by insurers?
  7. Perhaps his traumatic head injuries suggested that he was not wearing one, perhaps there was no helmet found at the scene, perhaps it was reported that he wasn't wearing one.
  8. Nonsense, you are making baseless assumptions. 191 accesses all emergency services, via RTP, just as 1669 accesses EMS ambulances, those EMS first responders are trained and they do wear medical attire.
  9. 1) Accident reports do not have to be presented to AN posters. 2) Police do not always attend traffic accidents in Thailand.
  10. Or, more accurately... Yet as so many people do, he possibly didn't read the policy conditions, printed in normal font, specifying the conditions that would have given him the extra cover for a relatively low price. "...the very small print..." Jesus...now some posters are suggesting that the "small print" (that does not exist in insurance policies) is now "very small print"!
  11. You don't think that it's possible than an opportunistic thief could just lift the bag while the man was dozing and got lucky? Thankfully, he doesn't have to prove that it happened to cynical AN posters.
  12. Probably because he didn't need to deposit it at the hospital and he was not planning on having it stolen.
  13. Perhaps he did not plan to drop off, it just happened and I'd guess that he didn't just have a pile of money next to him.
  14. What? Where did you pull that bizarre speculation from? Why would a student, who had only been here for a few months, with the consent of her family, be subject to an arranged marriage...in Thailand?
  15. Most areas are fairly quiet in the middle of the night. I don't think so. Have you ever been to Bangkok?
  16. ICU equipment and qualified medical staff to accompany the patient is expensive. Getting the staff and the equipment back to Thailand has to be paid for also, in addition to any accommodation costs incurred in the UK.
  17. "His family friend Joanne Gibson, 56, has now set up a Go Fund Me to help support Josh's family. She said: "How on earth are normal working people meant to pay it? "Where are they meant to get this money from?" Miss Gibson, they take out travel insurance and they make sure that they're not so stupid as to invalidate it, that's how they pay for it.
  18. Never you mind what I've got.
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