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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. So it happened once and has never happened again? Not much of a "defect", then, I don't blame the dealer for not acknowledging what you see as a defect.
  2. You're so well-informed, the real story is much appreciated.
  3. How about because he did not know him, or the family and no one except AN posters would read it?
  4. No I did not add anything to his post, this is what I posted and what he responded to... "Which countries do not stamp a permission to stay date in foreigner visitors passports or provide a notification of the validity of stay until date?" Got it now?
  5. Factual? Well that's your opinion Laughing Lou. Antagonist nonsense Really? What was it in that comment of mine that was not factual, then? Specifically. Funny how expressing different thoughts and observations to most is seen as "antagonistic" by those who don't have a reasoned response to my comments, eh?
  6. It's called Schengen/EU. Netherlands for example. Can't tell the number of countries. No immigration check, no stamp. And limited to 90 days.
  7. FACT a M/C is NOT a Moped. end of. I haven't disputed that! I have disputed that the definitions are nothing to do with this thread. "end of". What's that supposed to mean?
  8. They guy is a BRITISH citizen and the insurance company who refuses to pay for a repatriation is a BRITISH insurance company. Nothing to do with THAILAND. Sucks that the UK chise to leave the EU? I know, so what? This is a case of a British bloke in Thailand trying to get out of Thailand, the UK leaving the EU and Europ Assistance is completely irrelevant.
  9. Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Macau and Singapore do not stamp passports upon entry nor exit. So how is the visitor advised of their valid length of stay? Before copy and pasting from Wiki you should have read the rest which confirmed that a landing slip with 'permission to stay until' date is provided. My question to which you just responded contained reference to that notification.
  10. IYO as always nitpicker Lou. No, that's not my opinion, I'm separating fact from opinion and that is not "nitpicking", everything in my comment is factual.
  11. It does when a tourist hires a "Moped" thinking they are covered by there insurance, when in fact they hired a 125 motorbike. they are NOT MOPEDS ! For the purposes of this thread it does not matter. But, in the context of your point, all the tourist would have to do was to check the cover that his policy provides first, before renting a bike, moped or whatever. How the UK rag, the Daily Mirror, describes the bike in the story that they pay for is irrelevant!.
  12. "...IMCOMPADANCE..." Oh, the irony, the 'kin irony. [Edit] And the irony is compounded by the "confused" emojis! Does anyone know what (1) "Irony" means and, (2) what "Imcompadance" means?!
  13. Which countries do not stamp a permission to stay date in foreigner visitors passports or provide a notification of the validity of stay until date?
  14. And that's what I said but maybe you didn't read. Yes, I can read, I can also read the implication in your comment which was suggesting that there are exclusions that are not made clear to policy holders and are then used to deny claims. If I misinterpreted your comment, my apologies.
  15. You're right, it's not worth a carrot, because it sounds as thought the policy holder voided it!
  16. Come on, come on, that can't be true, Asean Now naysaying posters know much more about the insurance and medical industry than anyone with personal experience or actual knowledge of those industries!
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