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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "Can anyone identify this spider?" Looks like Incy Wincy.
  2. I thought I said I cant find the comment. I will look again. Or maybe I wont or cant be bothered, but its there somewhere on a page in a large document. "...its there somewhere...". I doubt it but if you can post that only local government hospitals can be used for treatment I will humbly apologise. Insurers usually limit their liability in terms of maximum monetary claim levels, not where the treatment takes place.
  3. Why should that be an issue when you have 16 weeks to return the completed Life Cert? I posted mine by registered mail on the 2nd February and it was delivered to the IPC/DWP on the 13th...that's 11 days, at least 13 weeks leeway.
  4. I'm not sure what point you're making. Do you think this is in some way contrary to what I said? Not exactly, just adding a comment but some people would think that you were heading in that direction!
  5. I am surprised that you, as the so called "expert" on here does not know about the limit on using private hospitals without prior agreement with the insurance company. I enclose a screenshot from the t&c of a well known UK insurance company. it clearly states its not for use for private treatment. Although I am able to find it, somewhere else in the document it states only government hospitals unless prior agreement is obtained. I'm surprised that you didn't read your own link before commenting on her expertise. That extract does not state that treatment in private hospitals, as opposed to government hospitals, is not covered.
  6. Thank God for a rational comment on this subject, at last! Perhaps you could point it out to all those who are posting false and misleading information about it?
  7. Actually we don't know if their insurance is from a UK company, could have been from elsewhere. Actually, the chances of the policy not having been sold in the UK is remote.
  8. Nonsense, insurers in general will never have any issue with a legitimate claim, they have no need to as their risks are insured also.
  9. Having a contract and having the means to enforce it are two different things. Having a contract that's possibly been voided and then trying to enforce it is a different thing also.
  10. Same as from even well-established AN members, complete nonsense. If insurers were renowned for not paying claims there wouldn't be any insurers as no one would buy the policies.
  11. There's a big difference between a flight from Phuket to Bangkok and a repatriation flight for a completely immobilised patient from Thailand to the UK!
  12. "The chances are that the insurance only covers treatment at a local government hospital ... This is common...". No, that is not common. What is common is a limit on the insurer's liability.
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