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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. what exactly is there to confirm here ? In order for it to get anywhere in court, the specific narcotic, that's what.
  2. This man committed traffic offences in a terribly irresponsible way (even though there were no serious injuries) but he has acknowledged his resposibility, he has been charged with a number of offences (with more to come) and he has promised full compensation, including new vehicles to all involved. What more than that could he do for those involved and why so much continued condemnation of him by Thaivisa ranters?
  3. Such nonsense. What if the multi-millionaire been driving one of his company's pickups in the same accident, you'd be happy with a "proportional fine" then?
  4. On what do you base that profound critique, anything rational?
  5. Who will hold the remaining 40%? It'll be a listed company, so anyone can! Google the companies' shareholders, all the information is public.
  6. The OP didn't state that True/Dtac would have more subscribers, it described the merged companies as being the largest mobile operator. There is more than one way to measure the size of a company.
  7. From the OP, "...the merger is about more than just the mobile market, and plan to build on True’s existing strengths in broadband internet, pay TV, and digital services".
  8. They only have to pass the emissions test at the time of the test so it's not unlikely that it did pass. Yes, yes, before someone jumps all over me, I know the emissions are supposed to met all the time but I'm referring only to the time of getting certified.
  9. The truck isn't having an overtaking move prevented by the pickup driver, he's trying to get at the driver. Didn't you read the article?
  10. "...you don't need to keep [THB]800k or 400k locked in a bank..." It's not as though there are no financial requirements, applicants have to keep USD500k here in property or government bonds instead of less than USD25k!
  11. "is there a doctor in pattaya who can confirm if a girl is pregnant" Is there a hospital in Pattaya? Is there a medical clinic in Pattaya?
  12. When you refer to your "near new" vehicle, you actually mean your near- (or actual) two-year old vehicle, yes? Keeping to the manufacturer's mandated service schedule doesn't make the vehicle any newer it just makes it a vehicle.
  13. Thai's themselves admit they do it. They're not bragging or making excuses, just stating that is what they (Thai) people normally do when faced with similar situations. "...just stating that is what they (Thai) people normally do..." No, what you are doing is wrongly asserting a generalised action by all Thais for which you have no evidence except a handful of reported cases where it has happened. That would be what an infinitesimal percentage of all Thais have done. If you have some evidence that Thais generally do that then lets see it, if you haven't any evidence (and hearsay isn't evidence) your comment is factually nonsense.
  14. Why would I do that, or even care about it, is there a prize? Incidentally, having a lame go at my post count as though it's something worthy of criticism is a bit 'kin rich coming from someone with your post count!
  15. Thais run away from accidents all the time FACT No, that is not a "fact", it's b0ll0cks. A very small percentage may have done that but the Thai people do not do that "all the time" as matter of course.
  16. Sukhumvit stalls don't sell expensive watches but, if it has "Lolex" on the dial and the seller didn't tell you it wasn't a Lolex, you haven't been cheated.
  17. No, I'm just choosy about which browser I use.
  18. oh god. So you've never ever done it ? Of course, he hasn't, he's a Thaivisa westerner, the personification of perfection in all things.
  19. I was not wrong about anything, I made no claim that he was legally drunk or not drunk, I commented on the actual results of the blood/alcohol test that were published, that's all. That you and others choose not to accept that result is your problem, not mine and none of your "forensic medical expertise" has any bearing on the result of the blood test.
  20. Among your many talents you also read minds! The title of the thread specifically states, "3 or 4 wheel small electric vehicles". This exactly describes disability vehicles. No, I cannot read minds but, at least, I can read. The OP made no mention, or suggestion, that he wanted a scooter, disability or any other kind, and the title of the thread does not describe scooters in any way.
  21. That's a n extremely unsafe assumption (there being no evidence of such a flight it cannot be a "presumption", either).
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