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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. He doesnt like me taking pictures I'm sure he wouldn't give a toss about your photographic efforts!
  2. Dual citizenship. Khun Boss first went to Dubai and spent time with Thaksin. Think about. Think about what? Going to Dubai, as you allege, doesn't mean he had a false passport, neither does having dual citizenship suggest he had a false passport. Think about it.
  3. There is rule of law in this case and it is being applied, the expiration of the statute of limitations has nothing to do with corruption as it applies to everyone facing the same charges.
  4. His Thai passport was revoked years ago; he obviously has a passport from another country .
  5. Why, what's he got to do with this? Vorayuth is the one charged and he's a nephew. And he has not been accused of murder, so, no, he is not a murderer.
  6. I wondered how long it would take before somebody would make that claim Yes, it must be wonderful to be that perfect even though, ironically, that personification of perfection was describing himself in the position of causing someone's death while being high on drugs and alcohol! Hypocrisy, indeed!
  7. This case got nowhere near a verdict, it didn't even get to court. It is not logical to suggest that the statute of limitations that starts at the time of the commission of a crime has been interrupted.
  8. As soon as that trial you suggests starts (not that it ever would under the law) the case would be thrown out and he would be acquitted as a mistrial would be declared!
  9. There is every reason, the law accommodates it, SoL start from the date the crime was committed. Maybe it should be but, legally, it isn't.
  10. Trial in absentia has only ever applied to politicians in Thailand.
  11. Interpol have issued a red notice and Vorayuth was never reported to be using a false passport.
  12. Vorayuth has nothing to do with the Red Bull company directly, never mind the production of it, he just happens to be a nephew of one of the owners.
  13. Probably because no one outside Thailand is interested and, even if there were new photos of him, what good would it do?
  14. Amazing how many people here seem to think they know and understand much more about this case than the average bystander.
  15. And you think that the reason for that is due to the fact that he hasn't been here, or that the media have been "warned off"? So you have evidence that he has been here, have you? Opinions or speculation is not evidence.
  16. Which members do you think drive Porsches and why did you mention that brand?
  17. Only those who didn't know what the statute of limitations was!
  18. he comes and goes as he pleases. So many posters say that but not one of them has ever shown anything but hearsay to support their claims.
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