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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. i have a couple recent examples, a friend had a detached retina, insurer paid for it, operation caused a cataract which they refused to pay for. A friend, Insurer cancelled insurance when they claim something was pre-existing, want money back for prior unrelated claims "i have a couple recent examples", Actually, you haven't, those are anecdotal or hearsay, but, anyway... "a friend had a detached retina, insurer paid for it, operation caused a cataract which they refused to pay for". So they paid out for a claim that was covered. Perhaps the cataract wasn't caused by the surgery or the policy didn't cover his claim for the cataract? "A friend, Insurer cancelled insurance when they claim something was pre-existing" It's perfectly normal not to be covered for pre-existing conditions!
  2. Yeah, damn Yankees. Looks as though you think that it was my assertion that the Americans are to blame? I was just responding to another poster who used the "bizarre American custom" phrase.
  3. Income tax! What's that got to do with anyone apart from the driver and the Revenue authorities? Sure as sugar, it's got nothing to do with you, me, any forum or any passengers.
  4. Give an example please Sure. It is illegal to strip naked in public in your country just as it is in Thailand with its "19th century" laws.
  5. Many will do whatever they can to make it as hard as possible to obtain payments legitimate claim or not Got something to back up that assertion other than urban myth or hearsay?
  6. The massage shop provided a picture of him from its CCTV. Perhaps he had (foolishly) gone to a condo/hotel the address of which he had provided when he entered the country? Perhaps he had to show his passport when he checked in? Perhaps, with his distinctive bike and the media attention, he was recognised? He's obviously an idiot so perhaps he went for drink in the area and someone saw him and said, "hey, you're that Khon Kaen rapist and child abuser!"
  7. "All the Thais" that you refer to had someone to provide the bail requirements, obviously. Bail is not a Thai human right, foreigners get bail also.
  8. Bangkok Post has been reporting Soi Nana, not Sukhumvit "Soi 4".
  9. Oh and you magically have all the evidence and complete information available to you. No, but he can read and correctly interpret what was actually reported!
  10. All insurers pay out on legitimate claims. If a person's circumstances aren't covered, and the policy document will list cover and all exemptions, don't claim.
  11. Not everyone is as big a hero as you are, unfortunately. What would you have done to assist averting this disaster in the 10 seconds you'd have had before it sinks when you weren't equipped for a capsising tug boat to be suddenly heading towards you? Perhaps she did stop filming when the video stops.
  12. Yes, stripping naked in public is legal everywhere except Thailand, isn't it?
  13. This is an (official) taxi-hailing app, as the OP very clearly stated. When you book a taxi through it you get a very accurate indication of the fare on the meter.
  14. Presumably you're referring to 'Grab', the use of which does not guarantee that you'll get an official taxi, you can get stuck with a tiny, private vehicle.
  15. Which part of the OP do you find so difficult understand? Flag fall is clear, km rate is clear, booking fee is clear.
  16. A B40/50k repaint of a large vehicle such as an Everest certainly will not last forever! Doubt that it would last as long as a wrap, which is forever if you never remove it.
  17. Drinking alcohol is not illegal! It's "social gatherings", with or without alcohol, that are restricted.
  18. Spartan knife is almost any fixed blade knife, oh just google it ! Now he's got to google "Google" in order to google "Sparta"! This new-fangled internet thing is so difficult.
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