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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Generally expected by those in low paid jobs, serving the public well. A bizarre American custom adopted and accepted decades ago in this country for the benefit of those in low paid jobs, serving the public well.
  2. Perhaps because there was a service charge added automatically? If not, why would your daughter say there no need to tip?
  3. Nonsense, if you're saying that the entire Thai nation doesn't tip.
  4. If you're referring to traditional Thai massage shops, the lady probably went into hiding because of your B20 tip, not Covid; their tips are their earnings, and she's just hiding from you! Most, if not all, of the massage fee goes to the shop. B20...Jesus, aren't you embarrased? Give them a decent tip and it will be even better "up there".
  5. Can't see where in the OP, or the link, it stated that the scammers were Thai. Where did you read that?
  6. I liked my MGB. gt. ???????? . Many people used to race using the B 1800 engine it was a popular lump. A real non-performance car also...cart springs (like a pickup), 95bhp and 14 seconds to 60!
  7. Often an illegal practice leading to a loss Only if the source of the cash is illegal and it's not declared.
  8. Without anything to substantiate your claims, isn't this just "false and misleading information" that contravenes forum rules?
  9. They don’t know what else to do. Only system they know. Money see monkey do. So, just like crypto supporters, then, monkey see, monkey do. There's no difference unless you're suggesting that the crypto supporters are cleverer monkeys.
  10. Do you ever check what you type? You "feel sorry for gold holders because they're going to get burned "with their stocks and bonds"? Thought they were hedging with gold! Bet they're not doing anything with Strike and Twitter!
  11. You realise how non-sensical that claim is? You sound like an ad interrupting a YouTube video.
  12. "No need for exchange rates for Bitcoin", so you get Bitcoins and you're stuck with Bitcoins, yes? Or, can they be changed into real currency with an exchange rate!?
  13. Because most people are not daft enough to rely on Twitter for anything, perhaps?
  14. "...without continued public interest in preserving it for posterity it might nonetheless get redeveloped". There's been no evidence of that happening, at all.
  15. Attending court hearings, dealing with police, but unable to visit embassy? In the context of having her passport, and herself, held against her will, she would have been attending court hearings after she was arrested! So, yes, of course she would have been unable to visit the embassy then, when it was too late! Geez....
  16. Yes, their mildly titillating rules are the "raciest" [sic], without doubt!
  17. How many people from Liverpool have ended up in a Thai prison, then? What makes you think that I'm from Liverpool, anyway?
  18. why not? if they can go to their embassy than they can get it. you warch too many movies "if they can go to their embassy" That's the point! IF!
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