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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Somewhat lower than that of being the 'girlfriend' of a 35 yr old man What? Are you seriously suggesting that the passenger was an underage girlfriend of the driver? What are you basing that brilliant assertion on?
  2. Concrete is structural, water is not The presence of a pool is taken into consideration during the structural design of a building isn't it? By the way, my original comment was a little tongue in cheek.
  3. I would say it's the volume of the water from the pool ,normally that amount of weight wouldn't be there ,It's the Extra weight put up on the building that can cause the trouble How much water does the pool hold /10/20/30 thousand Litres every Litres is 1 KG so say that the pool hold 20000 Litre that's an extra 20 Tonne I would say that makes a hell of a difference . How would it make a difference? The pool's being there would, obviously, have been considered during the design of the building, wouldn't it? It hadn't just been slipped in there hoping no one would notice.
  4. You need to post your contract, that neither you nor the school seemed to have signed, if you want serious opinions about that contract, otherwise you'll just get speculation for 79 pages.
  5. Why would a school director bail a student for armed robbery, would that happen in your country of birth. Why not? How about compassion for a normally good pupil? Yes, it could happen in my country, just as it could in yours, it's nothing specific to Thailand, bail can be posted by anyone.
  6. Being bailed by her teacher She was bailed by the school's director. What's "murky" about that?
  7. Your point being? Well, you seem to be unhappy with water being in a condo building because of it's weight yet you're happy with the weight of the much heavier concrete being there. What was your point about water being heavy?
  8. I refused Kasikorn's . Years ago they wanted 500 They still do, it's to keep the riff-raff out.
  9. ...or, there's just no reason to release her name, what's her identity got to do with anyone else? "she's underage" What is the legal age to be a passenger in a car?
  10. I am certainly receiving some sort of discount. You probably won't be this month, my bill received today is back to pre-discounted amounts.
  11. The Covid concessions on my (Bangkok) electricity bills have not been a discount in the rate per unit charged, it has been a discount by virtue of the amount charged being no higher than some selected, much cheaper, previous month's bill. My consumption from April to August had increased by a multiple of three yet my bills for those months have all been exactly the same as the cheapest month. I've got my latest bill today and it is back to normal pre-Covid concession baht amounts, i.e. approximately three times last month's.
  12. "Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power and forcible suppression of opposition". Looks like he might at least have a grasp. Looks more as though you don't have a grasp, either, particularly when it comes to who is a Fascist if you're supporting his view!
  13. What dont you understand about the question it asked. for information and you haven't given any. Yet you spent time phoning the airline and writing about how you phoned the airline and not said what their response was. And all airlines have differant rules so are you going to call them all. How can I ask them anything about your situation of which I know nothing? What she said to me was irrelevant to you, my point was just that they do have a phone number (you said initially that they didn't, only email, that was false), and they do answer it. If you're flying with one airline, that's the airline to call, surely, why call others when you want the requirements for your airline?
  14. I completely and utterly disagree with you, as is my right. Excellent, that was my point, that you have a right to your opinion, that's all.
  15. No, they do not need to be challenged, those individuals' have the same rights to have opinions, just as you do. Challenging them suggests that you believe that they shouldn't be allowed to have that right to an opinion. Ignoring people with those views, whether you consider them unacceptable or not (and that's just your opinion) does not make you their "collaborator"! "The standard we walk past, is the standard we endorse". Just nonsense.
  16. Accepting same sex couples isn't necessarily a sign of maturity!
  17. I'm not condoning the robbery but doesn't it sound more like she got involved as a victim of a Ponzi scheme and couldn't see a way out...desperation? The alleged "gambling", if it wasn't this Ponzi investment, hasn't been confirmed as true and what's "murky" about a 17-year old being bailed?
  18. Taking the pizz out of out-of-work and needy Thais... "Thaivisa-ness" at it's best. Should all be proud of yourselves.
  19. I had my True router-connected-to-a-phone-line internet replaced with their fibre optic set up in two days after reporting connection problems.
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