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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Odd priorities for someone who need to contact, and get an appointment at, the embassy as soon as possible!
  2. Why not phone them using their published contact number?! 02 305 8333.
  3. They were proven to slow the spread down. Where, specifically? Which empirical data supports your claim?
  4. Deaths and infections occurred during every lockdown, they were proven to be spectacularly ineffective.
  5. You mean the minister (and his family) who were pictured, legally, at a "do" in his own home?
  6. They were drinking, he wasn't, he was just not wearing a mask. You know how to drink with a mask on? You're right, though, they do not have the legal right to challenge him, neither does he have the legal right to be maskless outside.
  7. It doesn't, Chinatown is a street area of Bangkok that "closes down", for example, at the same time as Sukhumvit.
  8. He did not say that "they removed their masks to chase him"! He did say... "...two idiots(Thai of course) drinking ( took their masks off)...". Big difference. Do you know how it is possible to drink through a mask?
  9. No, he did not say that. He did say that they removed them because they were drinking. Perhaps you know a way to drink wearing a mask?
  10. No, he said that the Thais removed their masks to drink which is, obviously, permitted. Not wearing a mask in public, when not eating or drinking, as in the OP's case, is against the current law.
  11. I would say wear a mask at all times when there could be others around because the law says that you have to. Deliberately making oneself a target and then whinging about it when called out, like the OP, doesn't help the cause.
  12. It's also clear that many people, regardless of the perceived daftness of the law, consider themselves to be above it, idiotically identifying themselves as targets for that idiocy that is easily avoided. I agree with you regarding the pointlessness of masking up when there's no people around but. in the OP's case, there were other people around.
  13. This is all the information that is needed...he was outside not wearing a mask when he should have been, according to current regulations, and some members of the public objected to it.
  14. Wouldn't have happened if he hadn't disregarded the law that mandates masks everywhere, outside, either.
  15. Plenty of people, Thais and foreigners, drinking and playing pool, maskless, in Bangkok, also, it's not unusual.
  16. As daft as the law may be, you must consider yourself to be above the one currently in force that mandates the wearing of masks outside with fines or jail for offenders. Perhaps you have an exemption to following the law?
  17. What makes a street caff in Pattaya "chic"?!
  18. She must have been riveted by your company!
  19. Don't think private property can be bulldozed just like that.
  20. Try to register and get an appointment, I did that an hour ago and had an appointment confirmed almost immediately. Wouldn't register me yesterday but it did today.
  21. Same thing happened to me yesterday but this thread just reminded me to try again today. This time my registration was accepted for a February date, immediately acknowledged by SMS with an appointment time and QR code. The moral is, keep trying if you've got the patience!
  22. Even if it had been true there'd have been nothing stopping you from withdrawing the 10k as soon as they gave you the ATM card.
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