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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. Never had an issue with printers for my Mac. They all seem to work just fine.
  2. Just SHOOT them. Like they do in the USA. Problem solved.
  3. No plan. It’s inevitable. China is not eternal. Change is constant.
  4. Plus, Taiwan has the best-looking Prime Minister in the world. ????
  5. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg went to the electric chair for less than Trump has done. Fry his butt like bacon.
  6. Yes, the 17 billion given to Thailand every year by the USA should mean better treatment for US retirees. Instead, they just stand there with their hand out. “What have you done for me lately”?
  7. Yep, Thai Immigration is just doing their job, YET…..using an agent sweeps many of the financial requirements out the door. The beloved “brown envelope” solves all problems. The pretense that Thai Immigration is really concerned about “verified” income, is insulting to average intelligence.
  8. I loved this method of getting around Bangkok before the SkyTrain and BTS. Some of my best memories involve taking the boats on the Chaophya. I would hate to see them abandoned.
  9. Far better than the climate for retirees in the USA. The UK has the NHS. America has nothing. I could be safe living in the UK. Count your blessings.
  10. The 2-5 pm rule has never been observed in the condo complex where I live, so the irritation has been minor. Still, one of the most obnoxious and insane rules to ever be implemented. It is anti-business and actually no different than the Sunday “Blue Laws” in the United States. I’m amazed that the wealth of the two major brewing companies did not prevent this rule from ever being passed.
  11. Because the Thai government is under the erroneous impression that Thailand is some “special case”. They fail to admit or recognize that the “sexpat factor” has grossly inflated the number of those moving to the Kingdom. Millionaires can live this kind of lifestyle from any location on earth. None of them will put up with the restrictions placed on expats in Thailand. If I am wealthy, I expect a complete waiver of all your stupid rules and regulations. Get out of my way, peasant!!!
  12. The Thai government has proven that they don’t consider consequences. They take action because they CAN and because they will then be seen as DOING something rather than maintaining the status quo. They showed what they think of retirees when they demanded that Embassies provide ironclad PROOF of income, rather than a statutory declaration. Two embassies then announced they would no longer provide income statements. If consequences are routinely ignored in order to demonstrate power, then you have the kind of unstable climate for retirees that you find in Thailand.
  13. That has already happened. I fear a slow, painful, EXPENSIVE death. Most people don’t have the luxury of dying in their sleep.
  14. Let Cambodia continue to enjoy the revenue from gambling and ganja. I will continue to rely on cold beer to relax. A trip over to Cambo is still dirt cheap if I get a craving for cannabis.
  15. The only improvement I can see is that weed possession may not draw such draconian sentences. That remains to be seen, though. It serves the purpose of reducing the number of those in prison for merely using, rather than dealing.
  16. Saving money is number one with me and relying mostly on fans works well to lower my electricity costs. Even my Thai GF thinks my power bills are reasonable.
  17. Sounds like the drivers are being taken advantage of by the “usual suspects”. i.e. local government agencies. Two million baht is an obscene amount to demand of a songteaw operator.
  18. “Ugly cargo pants “ are certainly preferable to the dreadful shorts worn by many expats. Cargos are very utilitarian for those of us who don’t want to lug around a back pack. Cargo pants keep my unsightly legs covered and when worn in muted colors garner as much respect as any other long pants. I don’t know any who complain about “wokeness” since most of us understand that times change.
  19. Always with a fan. It took some getting used to, but the high cost of electricity helped me adjust to fans only.
  20. While the son is definitely a low-life, family that colludes with police are not much better
  21. Recently I was waiting in a songteaw and noticed big signs in English on both sides of the passenger compartment that the passenger fare was 20 baht. I paid without comment when I reached my destination but I quickly noticed that none of the other songteaws had these signs and the fare was the usual ten baht. I expect small ripoffs in Thailand, so it’s no big deal. Is this something they can arbitrarily charge a passenger or does it have to be done by some central department or city agency? I’ve heard rumors of a price increase for the last six years but nothing official.
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