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Posts posted by covidiot

  1. 25 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Just because you seemingly failed science in school, doesn't mean that science is wrong.


    Ok, so where do you want to go with this? My source is a quack? The scientific method is foolproof? 


    You missed the other important point I made. Vitamin D has been promoted in the SAME mainstream media that is promoting vaccines. There have been multiple articles encouraging the use of Vitamin D over the past year in the mainstream media that I read.


    But people don't notice these articles. They only focus on the sensationalism, the noise, the fear, the statistics. People only pay attention to the news that gets repeated over and over. They miss the subtle messages in one-off articles. 






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  2. 3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    let me tell you a big secret: the Powers that Be rely on something called the “scientific method”

    We don't agree about reliable sources.

    Then it becomes a complex philosophical debate that will take decades. 

    We shall agree to disagree and leave it at that.



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  3. 5 minutes ago, Harm Hendrik Reitsma said:

    And i say of you are healthy, don't take a jab.

    Wow, really?

    I was just about to make an appointment to get the jab.

    I'm not afraid of getting sick, but I am worried about all the negative consequences of not having it. Like employers might start to check. It all seems like too much hassle not to get it. 

    But I agree. In a healthy body, it's not a major threat. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    ...such as?

    They are making an effort to eat a more health conscious diet, which protects from viruses and illness in general.

    It was implied in the hordes of covid articles that you've been reading over the past year. 

    You missed the nuance.

    You're focusing on useless (if credible) statistics.

    What are you planning to do with all these useless statistics?

    You failed the exam.



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  5. 8 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    ....or......and this is left field stuff........reporting statistical facts.

    And the point I am making is people are focusing too much on the statistics. 


    Meanwhile the Thais, with their alleged low levels of education, are not caught up in the statistics and doing something practical. 



  6. 6 hours ago, aboctok said:

    that someone with a healthy immune system is impervious to viruses.

    I didn't say impervious. But I rarely get sick in winter anymore since I educated myself about diet and watch what I eat. I used to have to take a dose of antiobiotics practically every winter growing up. 


    In my opinion, when the media reports a story with the following headline:

    "Obese people with a pre-existing condition of diabetes are at greater risk of Covid" ...

    -->  what they are doing is trying to implant a subliminal message in your brain to take better care of your health.






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  7. 41 minutes ago, chessman said:

    it will help sensible people weigh up the risks and make informed decisions. 

    I am not relying on the media to make an informed decision  as I believe the media is causing confusion.

    I will employ "the wisdom of the bar girl" to decide on this

    ... ie "don't think too mutt".

    going with my gut.


    I'm sick of talking about covid. I'm outta here.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:

    If girlfriend do not take good quality vaccine, I would avoid.

    Yeah, that's pretty funny. I wonder how many divorces there will be because of 'vaccine differences.'

    Or the vaccine you took will show up on dating sites and Pfizer women will not want to get hitched up with Astrazeneca men, or even worse, anti-vaxxers. 


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