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Posts posted by covidiot

  1. Also, maybe only those vaccinated will not be required to wear masks.

    We only have a choice for a limited time. Then they will make people's lives uncomfortable if you don't get it. 


    Anyway, in the same daily local paper today, there is one article about people taken to hospital for thrombosis from astrazeneca and another about lack of privileges if you don't get the vaccine. 


    Very lovely.


  2. In any case, this discussion will be outdated soon.

    Already in western media they are talking about privileges that will be withheld from those who are not vaccinated. People who refuse vaccines may not even be allowed in restaurants in certain countries. It's not only a health risk issue. 

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  3. 21 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Dad once told me, NEVER marry an attractive woman !

    From my experience, the more attractive ones tend to cheat and/or are mostly interested in your money. 


    "Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye." -- Thomas Fuller

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    One final point I would like to make.

    People are debating science, people are still getting drawn in to the fear, the numbers ... 

    Don't forget to focus on all the positive stuff that is emerging from this situation.

    For example: Why Covid-19 Caused a Bike Boom




  5. I have never tried it myself, but there are some negative health risks articles associated with Herbalife.

    I would do a thorough Google search and also look at all the ingredients. 


    this from one online article I just looked up:

    One of the biggest drawbacks is that the shakes are very high in sugar — 40 percent of the calories in each serving come from added sugars, primarily fructose (1).


    Also, you may want to consider switching to 2 meals a day. Less hassle, less cooking, less chance of putting garbage into the body. 

  6. On 4/29/2021 at 6:49 PM, Danderman123 said:

    Still, there are not many Deniers who can top Mexican Deniers:

    I hadn't read about that. I just did a quick search and found this describing the attacks on health workers in mexico:

    (if any of this can be trusted ... as far as i'm concerned most news is half-fiction)



    1 - Health workers were being attacked before covid. 


    2 - It doesn't appear to be because of Covid denial.

    Some of the attacks appear to have been motivated by a misguided attempt to disinfect health workers.

  7. Also, omega 3. They sell capsules. Omega 3 is good for the heart from my reading. I would consult a naturopath and ask about various supplements and make sure they don't interfere with any medical procedures or pharmaceutical drugs you need to take. 

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