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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. The Son of the big Cheese has even said there not protecting their civilians in Gaza and there slaughtering civilians and must be stopped. but hush-hush that's not the anti-Israeli squad on here wants to hear like the Chef and Co.
  2. Yes i meant watch Sky news they give good coverage from close to the border same as BBC. They have reporters near the Lebanese border to cover the news from there.
  3. I see bigbash is still at it i thought he had his wings clipped for insulting members.
  4. Instead of constantly reminding members not to post material that is against the rules why can;t you start naming posters that are breaking the rules. The team must be getting fed up with having to constantly put reminders on the Thread. Start naming the rule breakers.
  5. Morch your getting like the others, where did i say you dont watch news ???????
  6. I can only post what i see on MSM im not going to use links that are not allowed Morch watch Sky news they have Reporters near to Gaza,
  7. Would you like a link from Sky News Morch reporting Gaza is surrounded ? i dont make up stories
  8. Not long now Transam Gaza City has been surrounded.
  9. No words can be said about these Animals. They're not even Vermin. But like all the Vids we see these won't be viewed by the Anti Israeli squad on here. The head propaganda minister on here would rather post vids of Piers Morgan that's what we are up against on this Thread.
  10. What do you call them Morch ?? or do you suggest asking them to leave nicely? In my book there Rats that need to be eradicated like vermin and like most on here would agree with my sentiments.
  11. So no mention of his identity or Nationality just classed as a foreigner even blacking out his face. Could it be because he is a Chinese or Russian citizen that are in a special category?
  12. Instead of carrying on with your spat with Paddy maybe you can stay on the Topic and tell us how you would remove Hamas fighters from the Tunnels.
  13. No you accused me of being a keyboard warrior because i used the term Vermin so come on tell us how you would take out Hamas fighters in Tunnels.
  14. Ok Oh wise one how would you remove terrorists from the tunnels under Gaza come on give us your take on this instead of posting crap like that Morch tell us.
  15. Maybe its because he has put most on his ignore list so he doesn't need to see posts he doesn't like.
  16. Gaza City is now completely surrounded by all sides. Time to send the Ferrets into the Tunnels and Eradicate the vermin.
  17. They won't watch it Brian they won't watch any videos it spoils their fun. Plus they can't defend the undefeatable so they would rather ignore it instead they will post links from sites not allowed. They are constantly warned but carry on ignoring the warnings.
  18. Another conspiracy nut job from a Yank. Next, you will tell me Henry V1 didn't behead a few of his wives.
  19. He has no intention of posting links he would rather play the game. Antagonise, spread rumors, and make up stories like the dead kids lying all over the Road and a horse. Three times I asked him to validate these comments but he ignored them just carried on coming out with stupid comments.
  20. His full name was Guy Fawkes. While fighting for the Spanish they called him Guido. Why is it distorted? Documents are kept in the records written during the plot and the confession signed by Guy Fawkes. Even the letter that was written warning a member to stay away from Parliament that day. It was most likely written by a plot member called Francis Tresham.
  21. He will do what he normally does Bob. jumps in causes trouble then disappears once he has caused damage and hides till next time then he will pop up again.
  22. Do you know why conflict began placeholder? you seem to be ignoring it.
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