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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Again we have to ask why were oaps and kids Kidnapped in the first place. Who does this ??
  2. Hamas will use the Israeli hostages as human shields if that fails they will kill them as there not useful and blame Israel for their Deaths.
  3. Now the Ground Opps on the way how will the Hostages be freed. Hamas has said they will free all foreign hostages but what about the Israeli hostages?
  4. I did post when this 1st appeared and it won't take long before the Tukkie Taxi starts threatening and intimidating baht bus drivers. Wait in a few weeks the next report will be Taxi and Tuk Tuk drivers are blocking roads to prevent tourists's getting on the Baht bus.
  5. If you store Ammunition and use a built up area as a base to formulate Attacks expect payback.
  6. Just ignore him Morch dont take his Bait.
  7. He knows full well Morch just trying to get a reaction so he can carry on disrupting the Thread. At least Israel acknowledged they struck the Camp and explained why.
  8. Your lucky i'm responding to you MoJo most on here have had enough of your nonsense and have stopped responding to you. but eventually, the ones responding now will tire of your behavior and see you for what you are a disruptive influence.
  9. Unfortunately, Morch Hamas is using their own people as human shields such as in this latest attack on the Jaballa refugee camp. Israel had info Hamas had set up a command center inside it and Israel warned them to leave some headed the warning and left others returned. Hamas was responsible same as they were responsible for a failed rocket that killed their own at the Hospital.
  10. Why don't you post on topics like Thais held hostage by Hamas and why were they taken instead of this rubbish your posting?
  11. No your deliberately obstructing the Thread as usual. You know full well that Nightly airstrikes being seen today were not being seen prior to the 7th. So stop posting rubbish and stay on topic. Who cares about post wars or maps from the 40s.
  12. Who this who that join in with the debate and the Topic? If you do not want to debate the topic leave it to the ones debating " Israel is at War " MoJo.
  13. A question I have asked many times on this thread but is never answered so i will ask again. Prior to 7th of Oct. Were Air strikes and the casualty figures we see every day being carried out by Israel before the 7th.
  14. Well look on the bright side the two big craters left when the boys took out the rubbish have plenty of rubble to fill them up.
  15. Yes he knew and they were told to leave prior to the strike some did some returned but you left that bit out still kicking didn't you ?
  16. Israel calling Israel calling, Israel has blood on its Hands our Martyrs will prevail.
  17. Its no good saying a poster keeps going on name him so we can identify him otherwise its just someone throwing out an accusation.
  18. Im sorry I'm getting confused, Colonists and king Charles are relevent to what Hamas did on the 7th of Oct am I missing something Deejai33.
  19. Nothing to do with this thread deejai, How is it a cause of Hamas entering Israel on 7th Oct.
  20. No most of us are trying to remain on topic but others Can't seem to grasp what the topic is such as 1 showing a Toyota in a coal mine.
  21. What's King Charles's visit to Kenya got to do with this thread deejai33 the Topic is "Israel is at war" just to remind you.
  22. 2.3k Posted 6 hours ago So no coverage of the 40 beheaded baby funerals then?
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