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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Morch how long's this going to go on for? move on and move forward with the Thread instead of Tit 4 Tat bickering.
  2. Come on Proton its about the War now in 2023 Feck all to do with what happened 3000 years ago.
  3. As long as they Don't go by Train Nick ,
  4. The ones on the receiving end will know where the terrorists are hiding and where their weapons are stored.
  5. Why don't the people of Gaza turn on Hamas and tell them they want them to remove their weapons stored in Civvie areas? If needed pass Intell to the IDF where there located.
  6. That little Gem has gone way over my head. Could this French General be watching the IDF from a carrier moored off the port of Gaza.
  7. GMTV are reporting this morning that plans are being drawn up to deploy thousands of police officers to deter demonstrators from disrupting our Armistice Day Commemorations.
  8. Seems i have to explain this post due to someone posting a Confused Emoji. A dead man walking is a phrase meaning you will have made enemies who will silence you permanently.
  9. This guy is the Proverbial Dead Man Walking.
  10. In other news Israel forces have now surrounded Gaza City. Watch for the Rabbits bolting out of the Tunnels once the ferret has been sent in to flush them out.
  11. We have all witnessed what happens when you try and help with terrorists Grumpy you could quite literally lose your head.
  12. I watched a program last night where a live audience can ask Questions to MPs and people more clever than us. One asked in the end game when Hamas is finished what happens to Gaza? not many on the panel had an answer just what does happen? Will Gaza be bulldozed and rebuilt and if so by who.
  13. who in there right mind thinks you can have a dialogue with these Animals?
  14. Just watched the Video of the Animal firing an MPG from close range sickening to watch.
  15. And there was me thinking the main disruptor had had his wings clipped Number 2 and 3 get up off the Subs bench to take his place.
  16. Well yes, i suppose both sides but as Hamas Desecrated dead Israelis could you trust them to uphold a pause in Activitys?
  17. I would imagine Air Attacks are stopped for a period for citizens to move to a safe area and humanitarian aid can reach more where it is needed most of the timing is up to Israel. How long they will wait before Opps start again?
  18. Our PM and others in UK have asked the same a Pause not a ceasefire.
  19. Stop attempting to disrupt the Thread.
  20. So don't mention it in this thread then.
  21. Cheap to put a tube in even though its tubeless. A garage will most likely make you cough up for a new tyre makes them Cash.
  22. The thread is refreshing now the disruptive influencers have been removed Thanks to the Team.
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