Meanwhile 2 tier keir his new nickname has began jailing thugs one was jailed for Assaulting a policeman. The Muslim who assaulted the police at Manchester Airport breaking a females nose has not even been charged. Instead a press conference was arranged for them where they blamed it all on Qatar airways and the Police not one of them wanted to answer questions about striking a female Police officer.
There's more trouble looming it is expected the Illegal immigrants are to be given empty houses so they can be moved out of Hotels. Don't think they will be run down houses that cant be sold they will be fully brought up to date for them costing millions up n down the Country.
I'm on the look out for a little Scoopy Mio or FINO around Udon or Phen. doesn't have to be tip top just clean and a good Engine. Im looking at 7-8 k price range cheers guys.
Its not funny but a columnist on a TV news programme said how would you feel if you were a female boxer and your face got smashed in with the strength of a male fist punching you.
the thread title is about the rioting caused by immigrants and Muslims as seen by the Muslim defenders attacking and threatening a sky reporting crew. This is what we have to put up with being a UK citizen were fed up and want action.
Was it a conspiracy a few years back when Muslims were filmed and holding banners saying death to british troops, child killers and kill the infidels Chomps ? Suppose they were Actors.
Probably because they have never lived in the UK Will B Good. So they don't understand the way we are treated by our own Government. We are the second class now in our own Country. As you say 6 members are confused and show it with a confused emoji. Its easy to understand when a gang of up to 10 British born Pakistani men are Sentenced for drugging then Raping under age British white girls some 11-12 yr old. There convicted and sentenced usually 4-5 years but the great British Prison System allows them to go free after half there sentence. They then return to there town or city where they committed there grooming. If we question why these perverts are allowed to roam the same streets as there victims walk we are accused of islamophobia or stirring up racial hatred. Another instance not reported is the gangs in london preaching hate speach against the country they live in.