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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. How many times have you opened a bottle of water and heard a fizz ?
  2. MMM just watched the video my god cheap charlie company. D pad's batteries have gone who has the spare's ?
  3. Why do people pay to ride in a Rocket for 5 minutes to go into Space ? when they can look up into the night sky.
  4. Well we will know at 12-08 bst tomorrow this is the timethe oxygen supply will end according US coastguard projects.
  5. They only have hours before their Air runs out they still have not located it let alone mount a rescue to bring it up.
  6. if its just a Comms issue power would still be able to resurface the craft. yet it still has not surfaced so it must have lost all elecricle systems resulting in it settling on the seabed. It is reported knocking has been heard from Sonar buoys dropped by a Canadian search plane. Just been watching TV news and the question was asked why is the hatch bolted down from above frigtening resonse is, the first thing someone will do is panic if there trapped in anything with a door the ist thing they will do is go for a hatch thinking they can escape.
  7. Firstly Titanic is sat at 4,000 mtrs aprox 13,000 ft my mistake. The Sub is a composite material so Tug is correct it will be hard to find on Sonar. So far all attempts trying to find it being air, Sonar, a remote controled underwater vehicle have failed to locate it. In my opinion now they will be looking for pieces of it on the seabed bearing in mind it was only 7 mtrs long. I hope i'm wrong but sadly I think its imploded.
  8. As it has not been found yet its either had a catastrophic implosian or just sittin on the seabed. All the best location devices have not located The sub. No lifting devices or brackets that a rope can be attached to raise it. The American dept that gives out safety notices only gave this " Titan " craft a cerificate for safely diving to 3 thousand metres. Titanic is two and a half miles down 12.500 mtrs. I would expect Ballard to come to the rescue attempt but times against them.
  9. A mini Sub belonging to Ocean Gate Expeditions has lost contact with its Mother ship during a dive down to the Titanic wreck. The five paying customers are trapped with two days of Air supply left. Contact was lost an hour into the dive. Titanic lies 12,500 ft on the bottom of the Atlantic a two n a half hour trip to the wreck site. No conventional Submarine can dive that deep without imploding due to the pressure at those kinds of depths and only specialist unmanned subs can be used to explore these depths. Even a DSRV can not be used. Sadly the people are trapped will most likely run out of Oxygen before a rescue can be attempted.
  10. Well Well Well here go again Agoda wading in asking how will Thailand attracting Tourist's. Maybe Agoda should be asking the TOT why there not attracting the millions they keep predicting will be coming. Maybe ask why do they make it difficult for a long staying tourists to leave to do a visa run, would it not be better to give them a six month visa, Will they give discounts to domestic airlines to lure more tourists, will they treat there tourists as guests with respect and curtersy and send them home happy to spread the word what a lovely holiday they had instead of them returning saying never again. Will they tell the tourism industry to stop the scamming and offer incentives to lure more Tourists. Im no hotel boss in Phuket or Koh Samui but if my hotel opened up once Covid was over id reduce prices pre Covid to fill the hotel. What did the majority of hotels do? doubled the prices Suicide. To end the TOT decided to ignore the bread n butter western tourists mainly Europeans in favour of high end Chinese, Indian , even Saudi tourists. This has not and will not happen what do they have now in Phuket and Patayya? mostly draft dodging Russians. Well done.
  11. Mmm how to attract more tourists? Well let's start with a tourist posting a trip report on a hotel or a restaurant about the poor service and how it was defended by that establishment.
  12. I would imagine if someone jumped on a vehicle substantial damage will occur if this is the case who will pay for the damage.
  13. Number one lesson when in Thailand " Do not try and argue with a Thai you will lose. Do not expect the local police to defend you in an argument with a Thai. Simply walk away Do not think you have the right to defend yourself like in the West when you can argue with the other individual, and finally remember these three letters TIT.
  14. This Russian is very lucky only 3 security staff did him usually there are 4-5 joining in.
  15. So what are kiddie pageants all about in the US? Why dress kids up with full makeup under 10 yrs, yet its accepted?
  16. Is the Thai Navy going to tow their new Subs along in this exercise due to them having no Engines lol the pride of the Thai Navy? comforting for their security if a seaboard attack is launched against them.
  17. Trump should not even be Nominated he should be in a prison cell for inciting a civil war, lying to the American population, and Treason. Oh and throw in potentially the Security of all Americans by stealing and storing sensitive top Secret documents in his home.
  18. Did Trump tell his goons to head to the Whitehouse ? and did the same man pay off a hooker or was that a lie too? and some Americans want him back as President lol.
  19. Only in America can people in government come out with statements like be prepared for civil war, its ok to advocate killing. What kind of a country is that? In the UK anyone even suggesting that would be arrested and put before a court for incitement and if they were a Politician there career would be over.
  20. The thing is though Jingthing the Russian people are only shown military wins once they start seeing Apt blocks destroyed inside Russia and it can't be denied through propaganda from Putins lapdogs they will sit up and think mmm we could be next and they will start asking questions.
  21. let's be honest there's enough American armed more than the military to begin a civil war the only thing they don't walk around with ib RPGs.
  22. Do to them what there doing to you. Even now in Kherson people trying to save people from flooding are being shelled daily. Morals not a chance, the only way to stop this is to hit them with a bigger stick.
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