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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. If you have not visited UT for over 5 years how can you call it a dump its growing bigger and bigger with top hotels springing up and demolishing rundown areas of the city. Just last month the Nightclub franchise opened its latest Club called the Library this is a multi-chain of nightclubs all throughout Thailand.
  2. A 50cc bike hitting at a solid object will kill you same as a bike double the CC. Maybe the powers that be should start banning kids under 14 first then School Children who have never had a lesson or learned road safety first before blaming tourists again.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/100000995276884/videos/3588059231237217/ This is what your up against riding around in Asia.
  4. What part do you not understand Torturedsole? Punch a Thai with Thais nearby and you will be set upon like a pack of wild dogs. The Brits were wise to do a runner. Already you can see the pack trying to pull them from their bikes and most of us that have been in Thailand many times would know what the outcome would be.
  5. The pack Animals would have surrounded the brits and severely beaten them with any objects at hand. Comprende.
  6. Didn't take long for the Head of the Russian military to come out with the old Ukraine has used uk's star streak on the territory controlled in the Dombas region. Only too 2 days from admission we sent them to Ukraine.
  7. In one rudi49jr why Target that City? no troops stationed there or military just out and out vindictiveness because a Ukrainian was attending the Eurovision song contest. Oh well just another war crime to document.
  8. Do you know what will happen if a falang assaults a thai where thais are nearby ?
  9. Why don't they name the Bar?
  10. I dont need to start explaining what laid back means.
  11. You like shooting kids in School to Taboo Reguler as well..
  12. How do you know they were pissed he was arrested the next day. Might have only had 1 beer but as usual tourist appeared drunk.
  13. What was the Damage? paint Scratch, dent in the door or wing, lets be seeing a picture of the Damage if it was a bike crashing into it the bike would be laying on the ground.
  14. I can see the Bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruit coming the Way of the Tuk Tuk driver with the groveling apology all of course photographed.
  15. Exactly richard Tuk Tuk drivers have been allowed to beat tourists with objects and in packs allowing them to carry on. We have seen attacks by Tuk Tuk drivers and Taxi bikes but we have never seen a tourist pictured finger-pointing at the attacker why? it gives Thailand a bad reputation especially where tourist hotspots are. A very famous incident occurred a few years ago when a French man was beaten badly by a Pack of Tuk Tuk drivers in Patong, he was traveling with his wife and kid in a tuk tuk they battered him in front of the wife and kid was all over Internet but no arrests were seen.
  16. Ben Wallace UK's defense minister confirmed today in the House of Commons that the UK will deliver Storm Shadow cruise missiles for the Ukrainian forces to use against Russian forces. His main reason being the UK will not stand by and watch Russia targeting Ukrains infrastructure and killing civilians. Ukraine has said long-range missiles will only be used within ukraine and the Donbas territory occupied by Russia. In my opinion, Ukraine has the right to launch long-distance missiles into Russia and target their civilians, but at 2 Million pounds ago there better striking supply lines warehouses and Arm depots. Sky News reports they are already in Ukraine.
  17. I'm thinking she blew the 10k on booze n spliffs then thought oh sh t i cant afford my transport back to Phuket.
  18. Yes, Neeranam you can see already the pack rounding on them they would have beaten them with anything they could get their hands on till they were unconscious. How many times have we seen reports on MSN or 4-5 security ie Bouncers kicking the crap out of a tourist who can't defend themselves.
  19. Most 1st time visitors always remark how laid back it is compared to other big cities and have returned and even settled in Udon. Of course, there are some who prefer to slag it off probably because they were disgruntled about it but as seen there few and far between.
  20. yes in most bars Bepah
  21. Correct bignok Anybody who hasn't visited Udon will think Tawan Daeng is next to a market and music will be blasting out while you're trying to eat a meal. Statements like the opp comes out with is misleading and wrong.
  22. Guessing you have not been to Preecha Market a long time, the stage and big screen has not been used in ten years it has totally been revamped along with Udon Town. Opposit Bangkok Hospital has many outside restaurants packed every day of the week mostly by locals.
  23. was looking at MSN News today and a Patriot missile system has took out an incoming Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile. This bad boy was supposed to be unstoppable and nothing could shoot them down CNN is reporting it too. If they have intercepted one that's a game changer there are also reports that the UK is going to send missiles capable of hitting targets inside Russia by hitting warehouses and arms depots with a range of 150 miles.
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