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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Lets be honest and stop making excuses Thailand is not the dream destination anymore. People now realize there are better destinations where you will looked after better and will return. How many newbies have come and returned saying never again, You never hear tourists who have been to Viet or Cambo complaining about being scammed treated poorly, not being made to feel welcome and thought of just a cash cow to be Extorted as soon as you leave the stairs of your inbound flight. Don't worry the blame won't be laid at Thailand's feet.
  2. There is a reason Koh Tao has a reputation for tourists or Working nationals losing their lives for an Island that size. No one is spreading misinformation, figures speak for themselves. Investigations are laughable and simply disgraceful. As long as Koh Tao's image and reputation are kept in place anyone or anything that damages this reputation is dispelled as Suicide or Accidental with little proper investigation. What would happen to Koa Tao if Tourists were made aware of this island's reputation if they were unaware many unexplained Deaths occur there?.
  3. The easy one to Answer is Simom43. Murder someone with a reputation like Kho Tau, you don't want the media descending on it so dispose the body miles away from Koh Tau. Its called Delectinig the blame.
  4. Sounds like your heads stuck firmly in the sand there Gearbox, ignoring anything.
  5. Kiddie kidnappers wanted war criminals, Rapists, thieves, and perpetrators of Genocide all welcome around for Tea n biscuits in Thailand. Say's it all.
  6. The Yanks will do what they normally do seeing they think they're the Worlds Police. Storm in saying their saving the Taiwanese from a Tyrannical dictator then when it goes tits up they will bring other country's in to help them. I can see the banners getting ready now in Washington " Hell no we wont go "
  7. After reading most of these threads it's obvious the TAT and local officials in the tourism sectors are not singing from the same song sheet. According to TAT visitors, numbers are up better than expected yet Phuket's top official has seen a drop in visitors since Feb this year to the tune of 15%. so who is right or who is wrong ?. It's not rocket science as to why numbers are declining yet little if nothing is being done to improve and welcome more tourists to visit. Instead, they seem hell-bent to deter visitors such as dreaming up a tourist tax and other silly rules. We meaning visitors can see what is happening and will simply travel to other destinations where we are welcome and happy to spend our hard-earned money. Lets be honest Thailand's Golden Goose has well and trully migrated and took their Golden eggs with them. Barra Marras 5 point plan is simple to lure tourists back. 1 Give a tourist a six-month visa. 2 Offer incentives such as Hotel Discounts. Domestic flight discounts. 3 Stop ALL scams and arrest scammers to deter them. 4 Put in place Police that Police, not thieves and bullies. 5 Make the Tourist feel welcome and wanted. Oh I need another Spliff.
  8. Do you always wear cycle headwear PaDavid if your safety conciouse?
  9. All Thais have Air Bags on there bikes there called kids that stand in the footwell and hold the bars. Who do you think will be hurt or killed 1st the Rider or the kiddie in a front impact helmet or not.
  10. Mmm short or longer journeys what's the difference PaDavid ? jump on your bike to pop round the Village shop jump on your bike don't look left or right bang your knocked off. What i'm saying is it does not matter what distance your traveling on a bike.
  11. Iv'e just returned from Udon and I took my Go Pro Helmet mounted cam along with my full-face helmet. You wouldn't believe what i caught on Video. family out on the bike with the young 1 stood on the footwell in front of pops holding onto the bars, obstructing his view 1 was even eating ice cream while riding none with helmets. Traffic cops riding without there helmet straps fastened, old mammas with there fruit n veg in the basket in the front just pulling out infront of you not bothering to look at traffic coming there way.
  12. Did the Visa run on Thursday Nongkai? Was waiting for the Bus that takes us over the laos friendship bridge, and a couple of Thais were standing behind us, the bus stopped the usual push to get on, my mate who speaks fluent Thai overheard these thais behind us saying " Look at the Falangs pushing in " My mate turned to them and politely told them were not pushing in here you go on before us lol.
  13. Your deflecting Frank, why are there so many Deaths in all cases Foreigners on Koh Tau?
  14. For an Island the size of Koh Tau there are to many tourist deaths or Suicides. Something is not right.
  15. There we have it RTP attempting to refute anything and blaming the media to make the RTP look good and believable. There wrong you can trust us 555.
  16. As soon as a new police commander is in place and tries to change there swiftly transferred.
  17. Once the RTP Have cut n pasted a look alike they will publish the CCTV so it appears what they said was the truth.
  18. What next a couple of Chinese caught stealing and telling the Police officer " Hey back off were Chinese we are saving your country, sorry sorry Mr Chong please accept this basket of fruit as an apology "
  19. Drones are used more now than overflying Kyev with Soviet aircraft as there aware they get shot down quickly. Ukraine and the west should be preventing Iran from delivering these Drones. A patriot will not be used to destroy these drones they will be used to take down incoming missiles, or any aircraft silly enough to fly near a city.
  20. Or placed in the bed to look like natural causes case solved. i also remember the drug torture inficted by Joe Ferrari and his goons who put a bag over his head and taped it with tape suffocating him. At the hospital, a doctor was paid to say his death was not caused by suffocation. This is how far money goes Frank, or will you deny this.
  21. Yes, Money talks. Why did the son flee to BKK hours before mainland police arrived? Money talks Frank even murdering a police officer can be silenced with a backhander as the Red bull heir knows only too well.
  22. Why were two Burmese blamed and set up as fall guy's knowing full well who the perp was.
  23. Nato cannot put boots on the ground in Ukraine unless a Nato Country is attacked.
  24. Well its encouraging knowing the boys in brown will go through this death with the up most evidence to determine the cause of Death. Already no Autopsy will be undertaken to determine the exact reason for his Death.
  25. Is that why there's so many young Russians in Thailand BE88, or as I suspect there Dodging the draft because they don't want to die in a Ukraine field.
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