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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Start worrying when you start spraying de-icer on your windscreens or scrape the frost off them.
  2. your in the wrong thread what's this got to do with Thailand's Economy
  3. Thailand doing its best ?? Their answer is simply to take a Shovel and dig a hole in the sand, then stick your head in said hole and get a friend to shovel the sand back into the hole covering your head. Wait 3-4 days uncover your head and hey presto everything is ok once more.
  4. S,000 Russian Troops were encircled in Lynum they simply ran away leaving the Ukrainian army to Raise their flag on the main civic building.
  5. I just seen the news of the Attack on civvies by the murderers how is Lavrov explain this away?? or were they a legitimate target because the didn't vote in the sham election so were targeted?
  6. Cannon Fodder. Wonder what the Ukraine Army will do once MadDog has announced his latest takeover will they attack them and carry on? Putins troops well trainees have not been able to defend their positions now so what full force will Putin use?
  7. Those Cheeky Russians have Sabotaged their own Gas pipeline. The Nord Stream Gasline between Russia and Germany was damaged in 3 places spewing gas to the surface. Of course, they denied it saying it was a seismic fault but the fingers are being pointed at Russia trying to destable the west by forcing Germany to come to the table and demand help to avoid them having no gas running up to Winter. Is it a coincidence that Germany is the biggest customer for Russian Gas. So Putin is trying to drive a wedge to the countries that are supporting Ukrains war.
  8. Its not about the fee it's pittance its the principle same as using an ATM you are charged nearly this entrance fee to use an ATM machine in Thailand.
  9. Would you protest if a gun was being pointed at you or threats made against you that if you hold up a banner you will be jailed would you still protest?? There are many Dead Heroes in Cemetry's.
  10. A scouser went for a job on a building site the foreman said to him " What would you use to pant that window 60ft Up " The scouser said a 60ft brush mate.
  11. Sean Pinnar and Aid Aslin two of the Brits who faced the firing squad for fighting for Ukraine and were captured at Mariupol have given interviews where they claimed they were beaten and had Electrical shocks applied to them. Another crime against the Geneva Convention committed by Russian forces.
  12. Correct Thaibeach. Just think if your a conscript in Luhansk your comrade could be a homicidal serial killer jailed for life mm could you trust him to have your back.
  13. If any members have watched a good film Enemy at the Gates there is a scene wher a commanding officer in the Russian army fighting for Stalingrad yells anyone running away will be shot. Never caught the full news item but i got any Troops not wanting to fight will be dealt with severely. Wonder how they will feel facing battle-hardened Ukrainian forces.
  14. You can't step into a Boxing ring without the skills to Box you will be knocked out immediately. Throwing conscripts into a war zone with little experience mm little wonder the Russians are running away to avoid the call up.
  15. According to TAT 4 Million have arrived this year just in Phuket lol.
  16. Another Troll post from the Ex Submariner. let me explain to him I posted the Submarine only has to surface for food I DIDNT SAY they stay submerged for the entire patrol I said they only have to surface for food. and possibly post. It only needs 1 Trident Submarine to reduce Russia to Cinders Candide and there is always 1 on patrol.
  17. Yes Thiaibeach the only time they have to surface is to replenish food. Unless the hunter knows where there likely to be they will not locate them.
  18. Who do you think gives the Submarine Captain his orders and where he Patrols ??
  19. Keyboard Warrior indeed ? mm I worked in BAE Submarines where i worked on T class such as Talent Trenchant Turbulent etc I constructed S Class Spartan Sceptre Sovereign I worked on all Trident and Astute class till retirement as you know if your an Ex Submariner the crush depth is classified but they can go deep. When i said sitting on the btm i didn't mean literally sitting on the btm of the Sea it will be in the range of Russia. Most of the crew are not told where they are for obvious reasons for the security of the boat. So don't be coming out with the old keyboard warrior stuff I know my stuff about Submarines constructing them for 40 years.
  20. Those cheating Russians are bussing Ukrainians from the disputed areas on Donetsk and Luhansk and bussing Russians from Russia to those areas making sure they get the votes he wants. Anthony Blinken confirmed this today when he spoke to the UN security council Bog brush Aka Lavrov just lied when he spoke and blamed the west for everything including planting the bodies in Bucha then he walked out of the hall
  21. I have stated this many times it's just a threat of a bully if Putin decides to use Nuclear Moscow will be reduced to cinders from a retaliatory strike from 1 of the UK's Trident Submarines that as we discuss this issue will be sat on a seabed in the North Atlantic ready to launch. Putin will not know where it is no one knows except our defense minister and the Captain of the Submarine.
  22. Aren't they surrounded by armed guards? How much more defence do they need? I think you were asking another member this question so i asked you a security question i never asked about the secret service but you deflected the answer never mind.
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