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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Didn't the Thai government roll over and let the Japanese walk into Thailand? during WW2.
  2. Someone posted Earlier that Ukraine was running out of Equipment, well thanks to the inept Russian military Ukraine is using Russian Armour and Tanks seized or repaired that were left by Putin's thugs. They are gaining more armor than the west is giving them. Except for Air defense systems.
  3. Or does the usual dig a hole in the sand stick your head in wait a while then pull your head out.
  4. Putin is still blaming Ukraine and saying the damage to the bridge was an act of Terrorism. So what are you committing Putin when you are targeting civilians and infrastructure? even if it was Ukraine behind the attack it was a legitimate target as it is being used for materials being used against UKRAINE.
  5. No just a member that is murdering and Raping, after stealing land in another Country. ThaiBeach, Oh and lying to your fellow members. Would sit round a Table and have Tea and Biscuits with this member?
  6. What i can't understand is why Russia is still allowed on the Security Council or whatever there allowed to stay at the UN table that idiot keeps denying everything including refusing to Acknowledge their troops are raping, looting, and committing war crimes just kick them out of the building. Other news Kamikaze drones supplied by Iran are causing death and destruction in Ukraine, this is a sighn of weakness because Putins thugs are being sent packing so like Hitler with the V1s and V2s in WW2 Putin is using the same Tactic.
  7. Take the Teachers hands little one's they will guide to you to meet the Angels.
  8. Others have questioned how does a serving officer afford over 25 luxury cars such as Lambos and Ferrari's, and a Mansion complete with the Maid. Are they on Huge Incentives to live this lifestyle that money One More Farang??
  9. Stoltenberg has just given a press conference where he stated any attacks against Ukrainian infrastructure will be dealt with, Lukashenko is in Nato sights if he colludes with Putin.
  10. Not correct im sorry the Entrance fee to walk around Westminster Abbey is £25 that's 1,052 TBT. Haven't looked at the prices of other Tourist places like the Tower of London and other historic tourist attractions.
  11. The first line in the report say's it all " Police who misbehave MAY have their service and legally purchased firearms confiscated "
  12. Where do you think joe Ferrari got all his flash motors and who helped him amass his millions.
  13. Can't see any tape around the property sealing it. PhetPhet is probably correct the house would already be plundered and his possessions found in new houses, and why someone got close enough to film the 4x4 surely that would have been taped off. bet the Vultures have already removed the Battery and radio. The only place this scunbag is wandering is hell.
  14. Lukashenko has said He will move a thousand troops to help Putin. As this is not Russia NATO troops can mount attacks on them as their not Russian so Putin can't complain NATO is aiding Ukraine against Russia. Other news is Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of Nato, and France's president Macron have both come out saying Russia is committing war crimes by deliberately targeting Civilians and infrastructure and will be held Accountable for the Actions.
  15. Cowards 1 missile landed in a kid's playground and cars in the Ctr of Kyiv knowing full well it was rush hour. Ukraine now have the right to target Russia and Belarus yet more War Crimes on Putin's Rap sheet and his Thug leaders.
  16. Reports of photos of the poor kids laying in the School were sent on LINE to thais how were these photo's obtained? when they do it they have no regret when its foreigners there quick to object. However I would certainly want to see these pictures. There are even circulating of 2 of the kids ghosts waving to passer-bys already sickening.
  17. Sepious there has not been any attacks on kiev for Months so likely the crews that man the defense systems around the city were not on duty as they don't man them 24/7 only when a strike is a possibility. Plus they were fired close so there would be little time to intercept them. Just another indiscriminate attack on Civilians from Putin's thugs.
  18. Soon to be transferred to a different Department.
  19. lol overstayer was reported to the police by an anonymous concerned citizen. Ie a Grass
  20. Burmese migrant held for questioning.
  21. Most MSM did not film inside the Nursery who wants to see that ?
  22. So only once was he drug tested at the start of his career they should be Randomly tested every week.
  23. Putin's televised announcement on Sunday Evening moans it was an act of Terrorism Err what do you call firing missiles into Residential non Military Targets Vlad?. Reports are coming in this morning that missiles have hit Kiev. If so where were they fired from? I suspect inside Belarus allowing them to use their border to launch strikes.
  24. Something is wrong here looks like a truck was taken out with an explosion no sign of a Tanker Exploding in this Vid or a train pulling fuel tanks behind it. Reports on Sky news say's a small section of the bridge has collapsed but not confirmed. Either way, heavy tanks and Artillery will not be entering Ukraine from Russia if this is seriously damaged.
  25. The level of incompetence and Corruption of the RTP Neeranam. Even using this Atrocity as a photo shoot for him and his Lacky's we were shown Chan o Cha distributing massive cardboard Cheques to the bereaved families at the Scool, and can you explain to us how a grieving mother being interviewed by a Sky Reporter told her she was shown a photo of her dead Son with his face slashed from a Machete, where and how did she obtain this photo?
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