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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. If I was Zelensky I would place long-range missiles I had just thrown the Russians out close to the Russian border, and I would start raining missiles down on Russian towns and Russian Citys in retaliation for what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
  2. It's not Rocket Science Gweiloman Putin's invasion of Ukraine is the cause of all the problems now from Fuel prices to kids starving in Africa because their grain was exported is now being cut back due to the grain thief stealing thousands of tons that could be in fully laden cargo ships to African ports and disrupting shipments.
  3. Hint if Russian Missiles and Iranian drones were not hitting Kyiv's infrastructure the Electricity would be on and water would be filling sinks who's fault is it they're both off.
  4. And why is the Grain more expensive Gwellonan? i'll give you a clue Theft from Ukrainian Silo's holding Grain and Transporting it to Russia.
  5. Putins forces are being driven back so Putin is launching more strikes on water plants and power stations simply because he is getting his <deleted> kicked its not the Ukrainian army he is attacking, so he will go for civilian targets they don't fight back.
  6. I read the Sun in Udon Thani it's an English Newspaper.
  7. Because every time a Russian buys a ticket to Phuket this money goes back to the kremlin to pay for the missiles that he is killing civilians with. Unlike Thailand we are aiding Ukraine what is Thailand doing ?
  8. Its being reported on another Website that Phuket is openly welcoming Russian tourist back to Phuket with direct flights Moscow to Phuket with Ikar Airlines and Phuket is bragging that upto 30,000 daily lol will be arriving. Even 30,000 daily is hard to cope with on a daily basis at Phuket Airport. Disgusting in my opinion when Russia are sending cruise missiles into kyiv and damaging infastructure and targeting civilians.
  9. Not surprised this propaganda chip paper is believed its the Russian Broadsheet newspaper..
  10. Well war crimes committed in Bosnia were investigated and those accountable were sentanced. It will take time maybe years but these Russian thugs will be prosecuted. Already acts comitted are processed with some being identified and named. Putin and lavrov will evade justice 1 way another in my opinion.
  11. Blaming others won't cut it Gweiloman " IF " Russia had not invaded another country we would not have the problems we have because of one Man accept it or deny it.
  12. Mmmm let's try this one. If your Neighbor fancies improving his Shrubbery by smashing your fence down and replanting his favorite blooms in a part that used to be your garden would you look the other way or pull his new potted plants out and throw them back over his fence Gweiloman?
  13. You may like to ask about the starving People in countries in Africa that have no grain thanks to Russia stealing grain silos in Ukraine and transporting it to Russia, or parts of Europe freezing in the winter months due to Russia turning the gas off to Europe. So yes it does affect other Countries.
  14. Most members have seen what Russia is up to invading another country to steal its land and its assets Saddam did it in Kuwait and Argentina tried it on in the Falklands both were defeated. Would you prefer a country like Russia to invade a different country and steal, Loot, rape and murder their civilians or would you help that country to remove the threat.
  15. Because countries like Russia and Syria prefer to keep their Atrocities under their chests. Is it not better for the UN to Condemn Putin's troops for Rape and Torture being committed in Ukraine or keep it hush hush like Putin wants to do.
  16. So if the UN is disbanded who would Police the baddies around the world Gweiloman? at least atrocities and Genocide are being brought out at the UN.
  17. All his threats mean nothing he is in serious trouble and it's only a matter of time before he is toppled. What doe's a bully do when someone squares up to him? runs away shouting threats about what he is going to do. As for his Troops well they can't even supply them with socks.
  18. Are you a Geordie ?? do I have to explain it to you? Money, Number. One looks like three words to me Geordieabroad.
  19. Like i said Money Number One . The cake will be already smoothed over with icing. The BKK Administration won't rock the boat with the Chinese Consulate in BKK, if any threats are made to deport Chinese Nationals.
  20. Don't Quibble Gweiloman ok the cash in their pockets.
  21. Bit of bad publicity aimed at the Chinese lately. Is it because their golden Egg has stopped laying so its time to moan about them for not coming to their rescue? oh they have a new goose from Malaysia so they don't need the yen.
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