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The Cipher

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Posts posted by The Cipher

  1. 23 minutes ago, Sametboy2019 said:

    As I said a iso20022 coin


    Gotta do a better job separating opinion from fact. The crypto asset class is still so young. There are no slam dunks. You may end up being right, but what if you aren't?


    The OP is currently exposed to a ton of standard of living risk (SLR) and it's irresponsible to recommend that he go down that route without a base layer to offset some of that extreme SLR. He can risk-on after he's financially stable.

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  2. 36 minutes ago, Sametboy2019 said:

    Crypto. Digital currency is the future and anyone who tells you any different doesn't know what they are talking about.


    Lol. Our OP absolutely does not need crypto exposure at this time. Dude has a net worth of ฿50k and you want to put it all (literally his life savings) into a high vol, speculative asset?


    Not to mention that 'crypto' is so extremely broad. Can you imagine if he took your advice and aped into a sh-tcoin?


    I have long crypto exposure, but boy is that the wrong answer for OP at this stage.

    • Like 2
  3. 27 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

    i'm sure one of these times he will go 10x long and this thing is going to zero....


    If this guy is actually your friend, I'd strongly advise him not to do this.


    It's unlikely that Ether is going to go to zero as an asset, but your friend's 10x levered position sure is going to. Crypto is a small enough and illiquid enough that whales and institutions can and will materially move prices. And best believe, they will intentionally cause price drops and retail liquidations to their advantage. If you don't want to see your buddy get liquidated, maybe tell him to cool it with the leverage ????

  4. 5 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    What's the latest Crypto coin to come out, I was thinking of

    doing one my self, why not , it will be called the TOON Coin,

    think I will start it off at 10 cents US, get in quick the price

    will rocket.........????  

    regards Worgeordie


    Let us know how this goes ????

  5. 16 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    I also bought gbtc and ethe as I would have no idea how to buy [and I almost wrote 'actual' ] bitcoin... 21 MM bitcoin until someone - who? says, oh, now there is 42MM bitcoin.. we never announced... there is a finite amt of dust in my closet, that doesn't make the existing dust worth more... you understand.. basically, I see it as exxagerated gambling as opposed to moderate ETF gambling.. 


    If you are retired and expect either you, or your family, to need to rely heavily on your retirement principal at some point, then I'd suggest that you may want to avoid crypto. The amount you'd (probably) have to put in to move the needle on your lifestyle at this point is likely not worth the risk tradeoff to you at this time.


    If you really do feel the urge to gamble a little bit, at least mentally pretend that everything you put in will go to zero (even if it probably won't), so you'll know if you're really prepared to lose it or not. [But honestly, why risk it? Better to enjoy your retirement. You worked hard for it ????]

    • Thanks 1
  6. So whether someone wants to teach or not for the passion or the lifestyle is up to them. There is more to life than money, although my personal experience is that the financial aspect is also pretty important. If you, personally, are happy with the life on a 30k/mth salary with a bit of upside potential over the course of a career, then don't let other people discourage you from doing what makes you happy.


    That being said, posters that are concerned the ability to save for retirement or to afford a higher standard of living are also correct. Basic math will show this. What people need to comfortably and happily retire differs. But using the basic benchmark of ฿30M (~$1M USD), and an expected career of say 35 years, you would need to save approximately ฿850,000 per year (~฿70,000/mth) to reach that goal at the end of your career.


    That's a simplified example assuming no investment compounding or inflation, but it illustrates the point in general. Everyone's target retirement number will differ, but I strongly encourage everyone to sit down and run your personal math and plan out your life a bit to make sure that the path they have chosen to take will realistically take you to your goal.

  7. 1 hour ago, DBath said:


    Barring my residency application to another country is not accepted, which is highly unlikely given my financial  means and bank stmts provided with my application. There’s also the FBI certificate and Hong Kong marriage license I had to get apostilled, which were done to the satisfaction of the Embassy where I applied (again, not telling). These along with all the other boxes have been checked off, leaving no stone unturned. 


     Damn, son. U a gangsta.

  8. 4 minutes ago, mjnaus said:

    Where on earth did you get this from? Please stop talking nonsense. I never mentioned any of these <deleted>coins. And no, none of these are actually generating revenues (which you would know if you would have bothered to look into any of these). I am referring to protocols in the DeFi space. Uniswap, Compound, Aave, Curve, Yearn. All of these have users paying for the protocol's services.


    A number of regular posters in this subforum don't seem to be here for a good faith discussion. They are convinced that the entire crypto market is a scam and don't have any interest in actually challenging that conviction.  Time and reality will bear out who is right here.


    But, as I've said before, not investing in crypto is probably the right call for most people in the Thai Visa demographic. Trying to speculate out of belief that 'a crypto is a crypto is a crypto' is the easiest way to get rugged.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Bitcoin will fall for sure. Nothing goes up forever. Price can go up for a very long time, very very long time. But eventually there is always a fall. Price action goes in waves not straight lines.


    The question is when.


    Did you miss the past couple of weeks there, champ?




    • Haha 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    So it is real estate shopping time anytime soon again ......... and never forget, the bank can and will auction off foreclosures at the remaining balance of a loan. I take it that some good deals are snatched up by the wealthy few - as always ......... 


    How do you find out when these auctions come up? If true, I could imagine myself bidding on these.


  11. 14 hours ago, Pravda said:

    What do you think of Internet Computer?


    Not financial advice, but I wouldn't do it. Project seems to have no near-term catalysts to gain traction, and I have seen it mocked by bigger names in the crypto space.


    9 hours ago, DrDave said:

    Exactly!  Much like Ponzi scheme investors, crypto investors are trying to lure in the unsuspecting so that the price stabilizes or possibly increases a bit in the near term so they can get out before the wheels inevitably fall off the whole thing.


    This is false. Unless the unsuspecting that you're referring to are BlackRock, the CIC, and those like them. Truth is, the life savings of a handful of Joe Averages are immaterial and don't move the needle.

    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, RAZZELL said:

    Nice to see someone who doesn't think they know it all! (Have you seen YouTube?)


    Not a big YouTube guy, but I was refreshing Twitter every five minutes for part of today lol.


    I definitely don't know it all lol. I just try to manage my relative convictions and the balance of probabilities based on the info I have ????‍♂️.


    For crypto, my initial play was to front-run the institutional adoption of a new asset class and the growth of DeFi. Since then I've actually become more of a true believer in some of the tech, but ultimately it's institutions that will make or break the space long-term.


    So the question I've been asking myself is...when institutions look at a crash like this, does this affect the adoption schedule and if so, by how long? I haven't been able to come up with a satisfactory answer yet, so I haven't done anything lol. 

    • Like 1
  13. I'm still long and in the green overall. Added more on what I thought was the dip, and then it dipped a lot more lmao ????. Crypto and DeFi positions are a minority of my portfolio but a good chunk of my (formerly) sizable unrealized gains on those positions are now gone.


    I am having a gut check on what I want to do. I see decent cases for each of selling, doing nothing (hodling), or adding more. Interesting times indeed.

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