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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. wheres the poll then and i think it should be hidden from the Thai Tax dept!!
  2. why dont they just put a big bucket at the exit doors as passengers disembark so thy can just throw cash in, then they could also be kicked in the nuts for good measure.........well half of them I guess!
  3. never found them friendly in 18 years, apt to make up stories about you and bitchy and moan......well certainly in the village close to me. Had everything from Im stealing water, to cutting down trees illegally and have the forestry dept turn up to declare "nothing", to fixing the road and being told not my job despite a girl falling off her motorbike on the corner of my land due to ridiculous pothole which had been there for years....etc etc etc thankfully I ignore 99% of it as they seem to have nothing better to do................of course its all down to me.............just been told I never do anything to "help" the village? is it my job to "help" the village? and whats fixing the road count as? or the time the village water pump expired and a new one was 40k and I offered to buy it.........nope apparently not helping so Ive given up with the lot of them. Not in the village but outside there are a couple of decent folk who regularly get fish from us including 2 shopkeepers and a woman who once watered our trees whilst we werent there, but overall id say they are 90% petty childish and jealous. Thankfully for me and them im 800metres outside the village......that i dont help😅 yes my bad attitude no doubt, yawn
  4. am hoping it will drown the entire village about half a mile from me although that would give them something else i do to moan about.
  5. They ruined themselves by the choices they made in life.
  6. yes but who knows if someone comes along and disproves global warming due to man etc, we think were smart but in a 100 years we'll look pretty stupid no doubt
  7. duh oh no you mean when its not in a vacuum .............. yer dont say, who wouldve thunk it eh
  8. you could argue the same for the luminiferous aether Several iterations of the experiment disproved the luminiferous aether theory. The scientific community only accepted that it did not exist in 1905 when Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity. He proved that the speed of light is constant. Therefore, there was no luminiferous aether.
  9. Water vapour IS the MAIN greenhouse gas and, Mr parrot, I never said it was the strongest did I, I said THE MAIN youre so full of your own endless twaddle.................go write a post about how the colour lilac makes you weep or some other useless twaddle.
  10. more nonsense theyre just lazy, its easier to open your legs than to get a fulltime job not only that but in this day and age its so easy to not get pregnant, again just lazy.
  11. Time for a Poll how many will ignore all of this, how many will rush to get a tax number, how many will leave , how many will leave for 6 months, how many have no idea about this at all as many dont read Thai Visa etc Im betting most will ignore it until something happens and even more have no idea
  12. hmmmmmmmmmm Cloumbia, all that top notch educations served them really well then
  13. I didnt realise people didnt just hire the entire jet when required??
  14. Havent lived with mine for over 18 years ( thankfully) no problems yet, home visit once in all that time, she was there for that but only by chance as they didnt make ann appoinment. She does show up for the annual visa fiasco though.
  15. looks like the typical 1 second attention span I notice regularly here. Wonder what pressure the tyres were at? as looks like an overloaded type delivery pick up with the stainless steel accoutrements.
  16. No it isnt, had worse in Pranburi about 6 years ago maxed out at 43.5 but the following 3-4 years have been really good for rain didnt go over 39 and not as hot as those 2-3 years of higher heat. This year 6 days at 41c so far and drier than the previous 3-4 Pranburi/Prachuap is already one of the driest provinces in Thailand. Of course unlike the govt here I planned for this when I moved there with two deepwater wells and a one rai lake and all rainfall is collected into that lake via various channels......one receievd 750,000 views on tik tok with numerous comments in Thai asking me how I did it and maybe to run for governer of Bangkok.......they didnt know I was a dirty Flang though Snaptik.app_7077034087902416154.mp4
  17. The Emperor does look good today doesnt he.
  18. I keep a 1000 baht note in my ash tray in my pick up ( older toyotas since sold\) for emergencies etc, took the car to the car wash place and when I got it back the 1000 had become a 100............ complained and was told prove it, called our Policeman who negotiated a 500 baht refund without liability ect.............it goes on for sure. Still lost 400 though. Needless to say slagged off that car wash to everyone I met
  19. This is my plan as I come from a line of long livers, Mother currently 96 still driving lives alone without help. Ill wait until at least 70 maybe more but I wouldnt be surprised that they remove entirely pensions for anyone living overseas. As stated with information technology ie BIG BROTHER they will know your every move. Glad my working years when I was self employed didnt have much of this crap that youngsters seem to embrace. The taxman lost out big time to CASH when I worked and Ill go to my grave particularly happy about that.
  20. Breaking news, PM to address water shortage , plan drawn up , meetings scheduled to start September October
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