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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. all well and good when new but will they be as reliable/ durable as Japanese brands? time will tell. Personally Im giving it at least another 5 -10 years. Put it this way, Id trust the Japanese but I dont trust the Chinese at the moment
  2. Noooooooooo I think they look really good and futuristic, dont like the concept much though until range and charging are much faster....... and before the evangelists jump in i mean 1000km and 10 minutes charge.
  3. Ive seen this fella prancing round my land a few times but hes a bit skittish and hard to get on camera, got him today on the cctv though.............he has escaped from some infernal cages down near the temple about 1km away where they keep them crammed in. Good for him, just hope locals dont eat it!!
  4. well u gotta be careful I once got ripped off for 3 satang, I binned the bitch and got a new model.
  5. A neighbour ( foreigner) who lived 400 metres away from me had someone tap into their electric meter in the road from the village. The meter is about another 400 metres away form their house, hidden in bushes. They notified head of village about it, neighbour said he would pay back the money (theyre still waiting 2 years now) The police came and had a look and even PEA came and had a look but refused to remove the two illegally installed cables he'd run into their meter. Its still in there now and the foreigner has now left (rural area) I bet the villager is now back on the free electric again
  6. well its not a sunday afternoon picnic. Its war alright, a war of cultures amongst other things
  7. UN "expert" yeah they have such a good track record, as for protests maybe because most people dont feel the need to go out on the streets. ie the VAST majority. Maybe next time Hamas butchers people their followers will think twice, if not rinse and repeat
  8. Id say its FAR from the MAIN probelm, but it is the easiest to screw money out of people for and lets face it no one cares about safety here its ALL about money.
  9. But if u like true fkwittery how about the guy that drove into the back of me in almost staionary traffic...............guess I should have moved over for him to eh? Pick up was two days old , needed new bumper and reverse sensors 20k baht. I DIDNT pay once insurers had seen video he was screwed and my no claims wasnt affected. Guess halfwit was too busy behind his BLACK windows to see me. eeek.mp4
  10. Heres the queue behind the guy sitting happy in the outside lane after I moved over and undertook him after clearing about 4 lorries as he was driving like a tortoise , the tailgater has already just passed me at this point but mr i cant wait BLACK pick up then roars down the hard shoulder in a cloud of black smoke...... straight into a parked car
  11. they have 3 speed lanes now going down from BKK to Hua Hin with overhead illuminated signals, inner lane is 60ish middle is max 100 and outer minimum 100 max 120............if you change lanes u cant exceed the speed in that lane no matter what vehicle you drive, so to go from the 120 lane you must enter the 100 lane at............100, I entered it at 120 got a ticket, didnt pay.
  12. got one for doing 123 in a 120.filed it with the rest in the garbage
  13. Thats almost answers my query as I taxed 1 in Bangkok but the other fine was in province. Either way I taxed them ok without issue
  14. I got a ticket for moving into the middle lane (100) doing 120 (outer lane 120), stupid rule really, forces you to stay only in the outer lane even when all three are empty.........didnt pay it
  15. yeah it was 1 fkwit behind me and then another fkwit behind him but the 3rd fkwit was the one at the front causing the hold up............he swerved pretty darned quick later mind, many dont watch the whole video its the last 5 second that make it entertaining
  16. because as u are unaware there was a car in front of me and a lorry to the side, when i past the lorry i let roger retard do his thing. I was NOT at the front causing the hold up. Apology accepted heres the front view, note fkwit in blue car in front and me keeping left when safe to do so , mR i cant wait shows his displeasure by carving me up and the other mr I cant wait tries to slide up the side of him hitting a car parked on the hard shoulder
  17. thats irrelevant, all out war will decide what happens whether its fair or not, many wars are not just.
  18. Huh the dumb and gullible will be in even more debt when legalised
  19. it implies that to you. you dont win wars by being nice, of course not everyone dies but it is a fight to the death. Israel imo need to actually go in even harder than they have, I know you wont like that. No surrender keep fighting. I have no interest in who wins.
  20. Just proves the stupidity of an overweight unnecessary vehicle, ridiculous size, saving the planet cybertruck by cybertruck
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